JSR 291 interoperation status

Stanley M. Ho Stanley.Ho at sun.com
Wed Jun 20 15:43:14 PDT 2007

Hi Glyn,

That strawman is in progress. As you mentioned, it has significant
challenges, so it takes more time to produce compared to other
strawmans. Please stay tuned. ;-)

- Stanley

Glyn Normington wrote:
> Please could you give us an update on your work on interoperation with
> JSR 291 and some idea of when a strawman is likely to be available for
> initial review by the JSR 277 Expert Group?
> Like I said when we spoke at JavaOne, the approach you are planning on
> taking *might* work, but it has significant challenges, so I'd like to
> hear how it's coming along.
> Thanks,
> Glyn

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