RFR: 7903177: Feature Tests - Adding five JavaTest GUI legacy automated test scripts

Dmitry Bessonov dbessono at openjdk.java.net
Thu May 19 15:52:58 UTC 2022

On Tue, 3 May 2022 21:19:16 GMT, gollayadav <duke at openjdk.java.net> wrote:

> Adding below automated legacy JavaTest GUI feature Test Scripts to the Jemmy regression suite and tested locally on three platforms(Linux, Windows, Mac OS) and working fine.
> 1.Config_Load5.java
> 2.Config_Load6.java
> 3.Config_LoadEdit1.java
> 4.Config_LoadEdit2.java
> 5.Config_LoadEdit3.java

gui-tests/src/gui/src/jthtest/Config_LoadEdit/Config_LoadEdit.java line 35:

> 33:  *
> 34:  * @author linfar
> 35:  */

This looks not correct. Instead it would be better to have a short description of what the test is doing.

gui-tests/src/gui/src/jthtest/Config_LoadEdit/Config_LoadEdit1.java line 51:

> 49:      * @throws InvocationTargetException
> 50:      *
> 51:      * @throws NoSuchMethodException

Please remove this

gui-tests/src/gui/src/jthtest/Config_LoadEdit/Config_LoadEdit2.java line 48:

> 46:      * @throws InvocationTargetException
> 47:      *
> 48:      * @throws NoSuchMethodException

looks not correct, could be removed

gui-tests/src/gui/src/jthtest/Config_LoadEdit/Config_LoadEdit3.java line 50:

> 48:      * @throws InvocationTargetException
> 49:      *
> 50:      * @throws NoSuchMethodException

looks not correct


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jtharness/pull/29

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