Extension methods vs. Traits
Daniel Latrémolière
daniel.latremoliere at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 06:40:19 PST 2009
I suppose implementation of the extension method need to add bytecode
describing a new slot type forwarding calls of the extension method of
this slot on a non-abstract method of another class (modification of the
linker). Others methods can possibly cause problems like those of Scala
Given that, I think the modification needed to the linker for supporting
traits, can not be bigger than the modification to the linker for
supporting extension method, because I think a trait can be implemented
with an interface using this forwarding slot and an anonymous class for
non-abstract methods. Then, I would like to understand the comment of
the proposal on significant change in the VM needed for supporting traits.
> Hi All,
> Traits as
> proposed, http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=220916,
> are slightly different than Scala Traits:
> 1. In Scala if you add a new method to a Trait then you need to
> recompile classes that use that Trait for the new method to become
> available, in the proposal the linker adds the new method
> automatically (hence no need to recompile). Note if you just change an
> existing method in Scala, or for that matter with the Trait proposal,
> you don't need to recompile (this is not quite what Alex said - but I
> think this is what he meant - Alex please confirm).
> 2. In Scala you can only access your immediate super Trait, in
> the proposal you can access any super Trait (this was one of the
> original motivations behind Traits as opposed to mixins -
> http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Papers/Scha03aTraits.pdf
> <http://www.iam.unibe.ch/%7Escg/Archive/Papers/Scha03aTraits.pdf>)
> 3. In Scala the traits are like mixins with complicated rules for what
> gets called if the same trait appears multiple times in a hierarchy
> (diamond problem), in the proposal you have to override any method
> that is ambiguous (thus much simplifying both the implementation and
> use of Traits).
> 4. Like Scala: the proposal is mainly a modification to the compiler,
> I would suggest that the compiler work would be similar to adding
> extension methods. Unlike Scala: in addition to the compiler the
> linker needs to be changed, so probably on balance slightly more work
> than extension methods.
> I think Traits, as proposed in the blog referenced, would be superior
> to any of the extension methods (thats why I made the suggestion!) and
> I would be happy to work on their implementation if people thought it
> worthwhile. On the other hand, if for all intents and purpose the
> decision has been made to implement extension methods then there is no
> point working on Traits.
> What do people think?
> -- Howard.
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