Extension Methods

Kieron.Wilkinson at paretopartners.com Kieron.Wilkinson at paretopartners.com
Wed Dec 16 01:37:27 PST 2009

> From: Mark Reinhold <mr at sun.com>
> Sent: 16 December 2009 05:57
>> With regard to extension methods, I think the "declaration-site"
>> extensions are mostly worthless. Interfaces shouldn't be used this
>> since they are suppose to define a contract to implement. I dare to
>> say this is an abuse of the interface mechanism. ...
> I do have some sympathy with this position. At the same time, however,

> I'm reluctant to see the classic collection classes consigned to the
> limits of the language as it stands today.
> As I said in the proposal, I don't see extension methods as a critical

> feature for this release. I'd be content to drop them if they prove
> problematic, and consider this issue again in a future release.

I don't know if the following suggestion has merit, but given your other
comments about considering traits in the future, perhaps it is worth
considering making extension methods strictly private to the collection
classes and/or the java.* package? This way, extension methods become
more of an implementation detail, and if it is later decided to swap
that implementation with something like full trait support (yes please!
:), it is hopefully possible to do so - you at least have no external
client code to worry about.

Using the new "closures" with the collection classes would indeed be
fantastic, and not enabling that in some form would, I think, bring on a
wave of new alternative collection libraries (even I have a one, for
functional/immutable uses, that I might feel worth making public), which
wouldn't be a particularly ideal situation.

My motivation for the suggestion is just that I don't really like the
idea of extension methods as a general "language feature". It might be
better if they could be overridden in implementation classes, but I'm
guessing that would also make it a far more difficult problem to

Kieron Wilkinson

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