Lambda and JSR 292 method handle

Rémi Forax forax at
Fri Dec 18 09:07:53 PST 2009

Le 18/12/2009 16:28, Neal Gafter a écrit :
> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 6:48 AM, Rémi Forax <forax at 
> <mailto:forax at>> wrote:
>     Le 18/12/2009 15:41, Neal Gafter a écrit :
>         Do the types representing jsr292's JavaMethodHandle obey subtype
>         relationships that make them covariant on return type and
>         contravariant on
>         argument types?
>     Yes, if they are invoked using invokeLambda() and no other invoke*.
>     For the record, even if this could changed, there are two other
>     method invoke*,
>     invokeExact that requires the exaxct same signature and
>     invokeGeneric that is able
>     to do conversion like boxing/unboxing etc.
> This doesn't answer my question.

Sorry I was not clear.

> I'm taking about subtyping among values of function type, not about 
> the invocation point.  Specifically, it should be the case that, given
> *#Object(String) f1;*
> *#String(Object) f2 = ...;*
> you can assign
> *f1 = f2;*

#Object(String) and #String(Object) are both erased to 
so there is no conversion:
MethodHandle f1;
MethodHandle f2 = ...
f1 = f2;

*Now when you invoke f1 with a String, because subtyping is allowed when 
the VM will be able to call f2.*
> This needs to be a subtype conversion (e.g. no code should have to be 
> generated for this conversion to occur) for reasons that I can explain 
> if it is not already clear.  The ParallelArray APIs take advantage of 
> this kind of subtyping by defining its function types using interfaces 
> and wildcards.  If that API is recast using function types, some 
> flexibility will be lost unless function types act this way too.
> The answer may depend on /how/ function types are mapped to 
> JavaMethodHandle.

Function types are mapped to one unique type: java.dyn.MethodHandle, not 
JavaMethodHandle is a special subtype that can be used to translate some 

> There is no public proposal on the table yet for how that would work.  
> I hope the anonymous experts inside Sun that Mark suggested are 
> devoted to this work are on it.

So am I :)

> Cheers,
> Neal


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