Short syntax

John Nilsson john at
Sun Dec 27 10:28:52 PST 2009

In most discussions so far the syntax regarding lambdas has all been

I.e. #int(int) fun = lambda(int x) (x); from Rémis proposal.

Can we discuss the possibility of a short syntax, using "lifting" and
inferens to produce lambads.

The example above could then be something like

#int(int) fun = x;


<T> #T(T) id = x;

In this example x would be treated as a free variable and thus be converted
into an argument to a lambda returning its argument. I imagine that this
particular example might leave to much room for error, but I'm assuming
equally terse, but safer, alternatives could be designed.

Another example

#int(int,int) fun = +;

Here the expression has no free variables but is structurally of the same
type so a simple lifting to a lambda can be performed.

So what do people think is this something worth aiming for?

A more practical use case might be in order. Lets say you need to declare a
projection of some object collection for presentation

List<Invoice> invoices = ...

theObjects.project( .getInvoiceDate(), .getCustomer().getName(),
.getInvoiceNo(), .getInvoiceAmt())

Here I'm using a <T> List<Object[]> project(#Object(T)...projections)
letting the absent object reference signify an argument to the lifted


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