lambda syntax tutorial (3. Defender Methods)

Rémi Forax forax at
Fri Aug 6 08:03:39 PDT 2010

Le 06/08/2010 03:11, Brian Goetz a écrit :
>> To be consistent with Javadoc and Method References I would suggest:
>> extension List<T>   map(Mapper<T>   r) default Collections#<T>listMapper;
> Ah, but that would only expose another inconsistency, which would surely
> result in the following question: "why can I use a method reference but not a
> lambda expression?"

perhaps because method reference is a kind of constant lambda.
A constant lambda has the great property to be 'internable'
(inserted in the bytecode) by the compiler.

>> IE use a # instead of a . so that it is clear that it is a literal
>> reference to a method and not a method call (as well as the
>> consistency reason already mentioned).


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