Question on exception transparency

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue Aug 10 02:56:28 PDT 2010

your code contains an example of circular inference (as the unknown type 
of a lambda parameter is used in order to perform method resolution 
inside the lambda body); there are three ways to solve this:

1) You can type in the target type explicitly (as you've done); this 
lead to the rather verbose:

foreach(..., Block<String, BlockExecutionException>  #(x) {execute(x)});

2) You can secify explicit type-parameters for the 'foreach' method:

<String, BlockExecutionException>foreach(..., #(x) {execute(x)});

3) You can specify the type of the lambda parameter:

foreach(..., #(String x) {execute(x)});

The alternative (3) looks the less verbose.

[Note: in this particular case I think there's room for type-inference 
to swallow the circularity, as there's just one 'execute()' method - 
however, in the general case, it is not safe to do so, as there could be 
multiple overloaded version of the called method, or, the thrown types 
of the called method could be generic in a 'throws' type-variable - in 
such cases the 'real' type of the lambda parameter can significantly 
alter the way in which lambda thrown types are inferred - as such, the 
compiler must play the conservative card and infer Exception].


On 10/08/10 07:16, Rizal Anwar wrote:
> Hi,
> I played around with the prototype, and I have a question on exception
> transparency, especially in type inference.
> I have the following interface:
> public interface Block<T, throws E>  {
>      void run(T param) throws E;
> }
> and the following code (assuming ListUtil.foreach is a method accepting a list
> and a Block).
> public static void main(String args[]) {
>          List<String>  myList = Arrays.<String>asList("A", "B", "K");
>          try {
>            ListUtil.foreach(
>              myList,
>              Block<String, BlockExecutionException>  #(x) {execute(x)});
>              ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>          }
>          catch (BlockExecutionException e) {
>              e.printStackTrace();
>          }
>      }
>      private static void execute(String x) throws BlockExecutionException {
>          System.out.println("Execute" + x);
>      }
> }
> I wonder whether there is a way not to specify the target Block<String,
> BlockExecutionException>  in the closure I use in the above code ?
> Isn't is possible to infer the type ?
> Best regards,
> Anwar Rizal.

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