declarative programming

Tom tbee at
Tue Dec 7 01:15:07 PST 2010

Hello Patrick,

Thanks for reacting. Closures AFAIK will be part of JDK 8 and that spec is not final (e.g. <>). And closures are not part of project Coin, which are small changes to the Java environment, but a change on its own.

If this ís the mailing for the closures that are to be part of JDK 8, then it is the mailing list I intended to post to; I want some feedback on the way the "final" problem is being solved for closures (since they are based on single methods anonymous inner classes) and if it will work on anonymous constructors.


On 7-12-2010 10:08, Patrick Wright wrote:
> This is the wrong forum for the question. The list of language changes
> for JDK 7 is fixed and final. From what I heard at the Devoxx
> conference a few weeks ago, there may be another public process (under
> something like Project Coin) for suggestions on what to add for JDK 8,
> but that's TBD and in any case the Oracle/Java team already has a lot
> of work cut out for it in the JDK 8 timeframe; JDK 9 looks more likely
> for looking into further changes to the language.
> If you are interested in proposing your idea if and when a new round
> of Project Coin is launched, you should probably look at the mailing
> lists for for examples, as they
> will want much more detailed proposal before they will even consider
> the request.
> Note, I'm just repeating what's already been stated publicly by the
> Oracle/Java staff.
> Best regards
> Patrick

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