More Readable Use Site extension Methods for java

Rémi Forax forax at
Tue Dec 7 17:08:07 PST 2010

On 12/07/2010 08:26 PM, Llewellyn Falco wrote:
> ok, let me open this offer up to the list then.
> llewellyn

Hi Llewellyn,
I've developed (with Brian, he's too modest) a simple Java agent that
allows to test extension methods at runtime in the interim before
being implemented in the VM.
This code is also the basis for a backport that will allow to use
lambdas with jdk7 (and perhaps jdk6).

The code is available here:

If you want to test it:
   java -javaagent:lib/jsr335-agent.jar ClassCompiledWithLambdaJavac

This code was not enough reviewed and has clearly not enough tests.
(by example, covariant return types aren't tested).

The licence is GPLv2 but because we want to reuse these tests when testing
the VM implementation, I think you have to sign the OCA before contributing.

best regards,

> On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Brian Goetz<brian.goetz at>  wrote:
>> Thanks for the offer!  I personally am more involved in the specification
>> than the implementation, but there are those involved in implementation that
>> might well want to take you up here.  And lambda-dev *is* the right place to
>> make that offer!
>> Cheers,
>> -Brian
>> On 12/7/2010 1:38 PM, Llewellyn Falco wrote:
>>> ok, maybe coding would be a good place to start. would it be possible to
>>> do
>>> some pairing?
>>> i've remote paired a lot, it's pretty easy to do. We can do either
>>> advanced
>>> pairing via a ec2 image, or simple pairing via skype screen share.
>>> I would suggest we start with a time boxed 1 hour.
>>> We can either do whatever you are currently working on, or we could do
>>> write
>>> some unit tests, which should be rather easy as lambdas fall under the
>>> category of "theory based testing"
>>> Does this sound good?
>>> Llewellyn Falco
>>> skype: isidore_us

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