let's play TDD, tackles closures in java
Bourriaud Gérard
gerardbourriaud at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 00:41:40 PST 2010
*The AtomicBoolean is seems a good idea, but please don't make any mapping,
don't do stupid things like C++ add the capacity to overide ++, -- +=, +,
... and so on. This operators MUST stay for primitive type like int,
boolean, short, ...*
* The mapping is not shorter is just add confusion*
*Lambda can be use for pass method as argument, but not for change the
object way of thinking. Don't fall in C++ bad way of coding please.*
*The advantage of Lambda is not the SAM, the real advantage I see is to be
able do a same mtehod in different context for exemple :*
*public interface class Context*
* public int doSomethingInContext(int parameter, #int(int) method);*
* *
*public class DirectContext implements Context*
* public int doSomethingInContext(**int parameter, **#int(int) method)*
* {*
* return method(parameter();*
* }*
public class ReentrantContext extends ReentrantLock implements Context
public int doSomethingInContext(int parameter, #int(int) method)
return method(parameter);
And can be use like that :
Context contextDirect = new DirectContext();
Context contextReentrant = new ReentrantContext();
int integer = 0;
int result1 = contextDirect.doSomethingInContext(integer, #{ i -> i+1 });
int result2 = contextReentrant.doSomethingInContext(integer, #{ i -> i+1 });
object = ...
context.doSomethingInContext(integer, #{ i -> object.method(i) });
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