let's play TDD, tackles closures in java

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Mon Dec 20 02:49:46 PST 2010

On Dec 15, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Llewellyn Falco wrote:
>> Yes, those 8 lines of code do seem easy compared to
> boolean fired = false;
> model.addTableModelListener(#{e -> fired = true});
> model.doThing();
> assertTrue(fired);

So, in what thread is the closure going to get executed?  Listeners are generally fired in the EDT (in correctly written programs).  Which means that this code example has a data race, and is therefore broken.  

This is *exactly* why the stricture against mutating locals from closures is in place!  

> boolean fired[] = {false};

> model.addTableModelListener(#{e -> fired[0] = true});
> model.doThing();
> assertTrue(fired[0]);

And again, data race!  The blade guards were there for your protection, you removed them with that "hey, I know what I'm doing" attitude, and proceeded to cut your fingers off.  Nicely done. 

> the point is, once again we have are going to have an industry standard
> recommendation to write the following code:

Who is making these "industry standard recommendations"?  I don't know anyone who thinks the "one-element-array" hack is a good idea.  If this is what people are recommending to you, perhaps you should take your recommendations from someone else....

Instead, how about:

final AtomicBoolean b = new AtomicBoolean();
model.addTableModelListener(#{ e -> b.set(true) });

This is a perfectly safe way to do what you want, and it is not even any longer (vertically) than the version you want (with the mutable local boolean.)  

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