
Llewellyn Falco isidore at
Wed Dec 22 09:59:57 PST 2010

Yesterday I gave a talk entitled "why I love java" at a local user group ( )

At the end of the talk lambdas came up. It reminded me of just how confusing
lambdas are for many people out there.

Now, keep in mind that I am an Instructor for Developmentor ( ). I am constantly introducing people to lambdas. So I have
a pretty good idea of how people "can" react to lambdas.

Still, this caught me off guard, and I realized that the big difference was
we had to talk about the "mechanics" of lambdas. Which is very confusing to
people. Instead of showing lambdas and let people understand *what *they do
1st. They can learn the *how *latter.

I'm going to give you guys an example from ruby 1st, because I'm hoping you
haven't seen it yet.

Feature: Division
  In order to avoid silly mistakes
  Cashiers must be able to calculate a fraction

  Scenario: Regular numbers
    * I have entered 3 into the calculator
    * I have entered 2 into the calculator
    * I press divide
    * the result should be 1.5 on the screen

This is a cucumber test from ruby. Do you understand *what* it does?
Could you change it to do other things? I'm guessing you could.

Now, can you tell me *how* it works? The above code is creating
object, and calling methods with parameters. Which methods? Which
parameters? Which Objects?

The thing is, after using cucumber for a while, you can start to tease
out the *mechanics* of it. But because it is so very readable, you
don't need that to use it.

Now, lets jump back to lambdas. What I want to plead for is *extreme *
readability. I believe this comes form 2 things

1) the lambda itself

2) extension methods (no reverse polish notation)

let's say I have a list of people, and I want to  get a all of there
1st names, that are less than 10 letters long, ordered from short to
long (this is a slightly more complicated version of something that
came up last night)

Here that is using the current proposed 1.8

List<String> sorted = Query.orderBy(Query.where(,
#{p->p.getFirstName()}), #{p-> p.length() < 10)), #{p->p.length});

this confused people. a lot!

So we went to C# and worked backwards. Here it is in C#

var sorted =>p.getFirstName()).where(p=>p.length <

(Notice how much easier this is to understand!)

Then we converted it to java as if we had extension methods.

List<String> sorted ={p->p.getFirstName()}).where(#{p->p.length <

good. It's easier to follow the additional clutter of the lambda syntax now.

Then we put it in the needed order.

List<String> sorted = Query.orderBy(Query.where(,
#{p->p.getFirstName()}), #{p-> p.length() < 10)), #{p->p.length});

This helped a lot of people to sorta figure out *why they might want
lambdas*. But it took a lot away for my talks point "why I love java"
and left people wondering about c#....


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