Preparing for the 0.2 draft

Joshua Bloch jjb at
Tue Feb 2 17:49:45 PST 2010


On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Rémi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> > True, but I haven't heard *any *arguments in favor of the "transparent
> this"
> > that are in any way applicable to Java. Maybe I'm being dense, but I
> believe
> > it's cargo cult language design.  In Java, I believe it would be a
> > gratuitous inconsistency, pure and simple.  And I believe it would bite
> us
> > sooner rather than later.  If I'm wrong, I'd love to see some compelling,
> > practical examples where having this refer to the enclosing instance is
> > useful (in Java).
> >
> public class AuthGroup {
>   private final List<User> userList;
>   private final int priority;
>   ...
>   public List<User> getAuthorizedUsers() {
>     //filter works like filter in Python
>     return userList.filter(#(User user) (user.getPriority()
> >= this.priority));
>   }
> }

Unless I'm missing something, that code doesn't require a "this" at all.
 Just leave out the "this.", and the unqualified named priority will refer
to the field that you want. I still haven't seen a compelling example
(though I still have some catching up to do on lambda-dev email).



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