Function types versus arrays
Mark Mahieu
markmahieu at
Mon Feb 8 12:22:55 PST 2010
On 8 Feb 2010, at 19:30, Alex Buckley wrote:
> I am interested in people's thoughts on the limitations of arrays of
> parameterized types. (Reification was not and is not an option, so
> please no ranting about the stupid implications of erasure.) Does anyone
> care about arrays anymore?
Not in this context.
They occasionally see the light of day in APIs which 'serialize' data to a common-interchange format, but there the types rarely get more advanced than boolean, numbers, Strings and Dates - I can't see function types coming into play.
Beyond that, they mainly occur deep in the implementation of certain kinds of API, and as Mark Thornton suggests, they're normally arrays of some type variable rather than of some specific type.
Never say never I suppose, but there appear to be adequate workarounds anyway.
> Alex
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