Function types versus arrays

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at
Mon Feb 8 22:01:17 PST 2010

Well you *speculate* that reified lambdas are type unsound, you haven't and
nor has anyone else demonstrated that - in fact quite the opposite.

I have asked for examples of problem areas and your response has been that
you want to see a formal proof. However, I would say "what area isn't
already proven?" The technique translates into current Java, it doesn't use
raw types, and it doesn't do type inference. To the extent that current Java
is type sound; the reified lambdas are type sound, i.e. no change to the
type safety.

I could prove that contravariant overriding is type sound; but so what,
I assume that everyone accepts that. Perhaps you could be specific about
which area you think there is a problem?

On 9 February 2010 05:29, Neal Gafter <neal at> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Howard Lovatt <howard.lovatt at>
> wrote:
> > There is:
> >
> > That does indeed allow:
> > #T()[] tls = (#T()[]) new Object[1]; // unchecked warning
> Perhaps I should have been more specific: there is no *sound* proposal
> for how to do it.
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 -- Howard.

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