yet another function types syntax variation

Neal Gafter neal at
Tue Feb 9 12:17:36 PST 2010

As long as we're throwing our proposals into the ring, here's mine:

    *(** Types*opt *Throws*opt *)* *->* *Type*
    *Types **,* *Type*
    *throws **QualifiedIdentifierList*

The grammar for ArrayType would be written in such a way that it does not
allow a FunctionType to be the array's element type.

The following syntax for lambdas would not make the result type explicit

    *FormalParameters **->* *Block*
    *FormalParameters **->* *Expression*

For example, here is a currying method:

*static <T,U,V> (T)->(U)->V curry((T,U)->V toCurry) {*
*  return (T t)->(U u)->toCurry.(t, u);*

That corresponds to the following in the current draft

*static <T,U,V> ##V(U)(T) curry(#V(T,U) toCurry) {*
*  return #(T t)(#(U u)(toCurry.(t, u)));*

I find the arrow notation far easier to read when composed.  It does
interact a bit strangely with generics, however:

*List<(String)->int> list;*

because the *->* looks, at first glance, as if it is closing the type
argument.  I don't think *#* works as well as the arrow, however

*static <T,U,V> (T)#(U)#V curry((T,U)#V toCurry) {*
*  return (T t)#(U u)#toCurry(t, u);*

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