Local functions

Neal Gafter neal at gafter.com
Wed Feb 10 11:47:08 PST 2010

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Alex Buckley <Alex.Buckley at sun.com> wrote:
> Setting up a lambda expression as above is characterized as the
> "Closure/Stored message invokability principle" in
> http://blogs.oracle.com/ohrstrom/2009/08/using_methodhandles_to_reconci.html:
> "A method reference like: MyApp#saveState() will be transformed into the
> closure { MyApp m ==> m.saveState() }  this is identical to the stored
> message (aka MethodHandle) #MyApp.saveState. "

I wasn't aware of that article before.  How interesting!

> Method references are in scope for this project, though I tend to think
> that relying on ordinary methods ignores Doug's plea for clear
> demarcation of (and restrictions on) code that experiences parallel
> execution.

Sounds great, but it seems to me that's orthogonal to lambdas and
function types.  Are you considering how to distinguish "parallel"
closures from other closures?  I don't think restricting them to the
parallel use cases is wise.

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