Function types versus arrays

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Fri Feb 12 00:45:09 PST 2010

On Friday 12 February 2010 08:39:26 Peter Levart wrote:
> In analogy with parameterized types I propose a notation for "raw" function types. For example:
>   // produces unchecked assignment warning
>   #String(String,String)[] a1 = new #?(?,?)[] { #(String s1, String s2)(s1+"_"+s2) };
> Primitive returns/parameters can be mixed into "raw" function type to produce a "mixed raw/primitive" function type:
>   // produces unchecked assignment warning
>   #int(String)[] a2 = new #int(?)[] { #(String s)(s.length()) };
> What to do with throws types? Treat them the same as a return type?
>   // produces unchecked assignment warning
>   #String(File)(throws IOException)[] a3 = new #?(?)(throws ?)[] { };

Or better (since '?' already has a different meaning in parameterized types) the following:

  #String(String,String)[] a1 = new #*(*,*)[] { #(String s1, String s2)(s1+"_"+s2) };

  #int(String)[] a2 = new #int(*)[] { #(String s)(s.length()) };

  #String(File)(throws IOException)[] a3 = new #*(*)(throws *)[] { };

Regards, Peter

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