Function types versus arrays

Neal Gafter neal at
Mon Feb 15 07:43:23 PST 2010

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:45 AM, John Rose <John.Rose at> wrote:
> The dynamic cast functions would be required to build occasionally necessary
> bridges between erased types and their explicit reifications, as we do today
> with java.lang.Class.cast, etc.

Class objects are always of the erased type.  In other words, we don't
do that today.

> Unlike Class.cast, FunctionType.cast would
> be specified to create a wrapper of the requested type.
> -- John

Even if the requested type is different from the "original type" of
the lambda?  In other words, all this work to reify them but in a way
that undermines the type system?  In addition, these wrappers do not
preserve object identity.

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