Function types versus arrays
Howard Lovatt
howard.lovatt at
Tue Feb 16 20:58:53 PST 2010
Hi Neal,
On 16 February 2010 09:48, Neal Gafter <neal at> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Howard Lovatt <howard.lovatt at> wrote:
>> Neal Gafter gave an array example on his blog:
>> Using:
>> It is translated to:
> That's just not true. Your post does not give any hint as to how
> throw clauses or exceptions in function types are to affect the
> translation. The word "throws" doesn't even appear anywhere in your
> post at all.
The post notes in the ToDo section that checked exceptions could be
added (last point section 2.3). The reason for not detailing how was
1. Checked exceptions weren't in the original stawman, hence not in my
proposal (which was based on the strawman).
2. As I am certain you will appreciate, you really want generics to be
extended to allow a vararg like systax for checked exceptions and that
the vararg list of exceptions could potentially be empty.
I will outline below how the scheme might be extended, but first as an
aside to comment that: you seem to equate an incomplete specification,
in this case of checked exceptions noted as potentially incomplete, as
a fundamental flaw. To me an incomplete specification does not mean it
is flawed, it means it's incomplete.
> But I'm glad to see that you're now considering some of
> the areas where your specification was completely lacking before.
> How would your translation scheme handle the code below? Your post
> contains not a single hint.
As mentioned above I would need extensions to generics, but then so
would all schemes. For the moment lets assume that generics were
extended so that you could have a vararg type construct e.g.:
interface _Callable_0<R, throws E> { R call() throws E; } // E is a,
potentially empty, set of Throwables
(The above is an extension of section 4.1.) The set of Throwables, E,
needs a total ordering (I haven't thought through a suitable sorting
technique - I will *assume* that a total ordering is possible and also
*assume* that a set like data structure is suitable).
The hierarchy of your Exceptions are:
Throwable -> Exception -> IOException -> ChangedCharSetException
Throwable -> Exception -> IOException -> UnknownHostException
Throwable -> Exception -> SAXException -> SAXParseException
Throwable -> Exception -> AWTException
*Assuming* that a suitable total ordering is depth from Object
followed by alphanumerical sorting, then the total ordering for these
exceptions is:
Throwable, Exception, AWTException, IOException, SAXException,
ChangedCharSetException, SAXParseException, UnkownHostException
Using this ordering the type:
#void()(throws ChangedCharSetException, UnknownHostException,
> SAXParseException)
is _Callable_void_throws_ChangedCharSetException_SAXParseException_UnkownHostException
(extension of section 5.2.1), which is in turn:
abstract class _Callable_void_throws_ChangedCharSetException_SAXParseException_UnkownHostException
implements _Callable_0<Void, throws ChangedCharSetException,
SAXParseException, UnkownHostException> {
public Void call() throws ChangedCharSetException,
SAXParseException, UnkownHostException {
return null;
public abstract void callPrimitive() throws ChangedCharSetException,
SAXParseException, UnkownHostException;
This is an extension of section 4.2.2 and:
#void()(throws ChangedCharSetException, UnknownHostException)
is _Callable_void_throws_ChangedCharSetException_UnkownHostException which is:
abstract class _Callable_void_throws_ChangedCharSetException_UnkownHostException
implements _Callable_0<Void, throws ChangedCharSetException,
UnkownHostException> {
public Void call() throws ChangedCharSetException, UnkownHostException {
return null;
public abstract void callPrimitive() throws ChangedCharSetException,
#void()(throws IOException, AWTException, SAXException)
is _Callable_void_throws_AWTException_IOException_SAXException (note
ordering), which is:
abstract class _Callable_void_throws_AWTException_IOException_SAXException
implements _Callable_0<Void, throws AWTException, IOException, SAXException> {
public Void call() throws AWTException, IOException, SAXException {
return null;
public abstract void callPrimitive() throws AWTException,
IOException, SAXException;
> #void()(throws ChangedCharSetException, UnknownHostException,
> SAXParseException)[] array1 =
> new #void()(throws ChangedCharSetException, UnknownHostException)[1];
array1 =
new _Callable_void_throws_ChangedCharSetException_UnkownHostException[1]
(the above translation is an extension of sections 5.2.2, 5.4, and 4.4) and:
> #void()(throws IOException, AWTException, SAXException)[] array2 = array1;
_Callable_void_throws_AWTException_IOException_SAXException[] array2 =
array1 );
Therefore I think the technique, suitably extended for checked
exceptions, will work as expected for the example.
-- Howard.
> Cheers,
> Neal
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