Function types versus arrays
Rémi Forax
forax at
Wed Feb 17 17:00:47 PST 2010
Le 18/02/2010 01:47, Joshua Bloch a écrit :
> Neal,
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Neal Gafter<neal at> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Joshua Bloch<jjb at> wrote:
>>> I really don't understand this. Earlier on, Alex said that we should
>>> refrain from thinking too hard about the implementation at this point,
>> and I
>>> still believe that to be true. If you could show that some interaction
>> of
>>> the proposed syntax and semantics interacted poorly with the existing
>> type
>>> system, that would be a big problem, but I haven't seen such an argument
>>> that didn't presuppose a particular implementation of function types. I
>>> really do think we should design the best spec (syntax and semantics) and
>>> then see if it's implementable.
>> I agree with the process you describe. I just think we're a couple of
>> steps ahead of you. Setting aside the precise syntax, there is a
>> specific problematic interaction of the currently proposed semantics
>> with the existing type system, and we're exploring the fallout of that
>> issue. We don't have to wait for the syntax to be settled to explore
>> the fallout of the semantics issue, and as I pointed out resolving the
>> semantic issue can help guide the syntax.
> I don't buy this. All we know is that it requires some effort to implement
> reified function types. We always claimed that the reason that we did
> generics via erasure was migration compatibility, not ease of
> implementation. *We don't have that excuse this time.*
>>> Earlier, I suggested that we should allow arrays of function types if we
>>> can. \Otherwise, we're damning function types to life as second-class
>>> citizens of the Java type system. We're also screwing up variable-arity
>>> function typed args, as varargs is a leaky abstraction built atop arrays.
>>> This isn't a theoretical concern; it impacts reasonable programs. For
>>> example, consider a method that takes a bunch of #int(int) functions and
>>> returns their composition:
>>> #int(int) compose(#int(int)... fns) {<implementation> }
>>> This should definitely be legal, and shouldn't generate a warning
>>> (especially given that we're providing a means to eliminate this sort of
>>> warning on generic varargs parameters in Java 7).
>> This is all true, but the facts of the universe we live in have
>> conspired against us. We should if we can, but we can't.
> Can't is a strong word. All we can say is that it would involve VM change.
> It may be worth that.
Generics are not reified but you can create a function type
using a type variable or a parameterized type.
So even if we have fully refied function type, we also need
fully reified generics.
So yes we can .... we "just" have to reified generics.
> Josh
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