Are function types a requirement?

Neal Gafter neal at
Wed Feb 17 20:16:07 PST 2010


All of this machinery does not fix the basic issue.  It is true you
avoid the conflict between function types and arrays by not having
function types, but you can't create an array of type Function<String>
either so this is no better for the programmer.


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Reinier Zwitserloot
<reinier at> wrote:
> I've been cheerleading this idea (no function types) at Devoxx '09, but so
> far it's fallen on deaf ears. I've been playing with syntax and
> implementations based on this for quite a while, so I'll share some of my
> conclusions:
> Syntax basics are almost the same as the current lambda-dev proposals, with
> two addendums: You may optionally put a type name before the #, and a method
> name after it. Thus, you can actually write lambda-style closures for
> non-SAM types, which is good for working with existing java code:
> WindowListener listener = WindowAdapter#windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { ...
> };
> It's not _that_ good, though, as only insane levels of inference could
> possibly guess that just "#windowClosing", without also putting
> "WindowAdapter" in the closure literal, is to be interpreted as being for
> WindowAdapter when trying to assign it to a variable of type WindowListener.
> Still, this part of it is certainly more convenient than other proposals.
> (In this example, omitting either the class name or the method name would
> result in an error; without a class name, inference would end up assuming
> you meant to write WindowListener#windowClosing, which won't work for
> obvious reasons, and without a method name the compiler would complain
> because WindowAdapter isn't a SAM).
> Inference is, of course, where it gets _really_ complicated, but on the plus
> side, it allows us to pour all the limited resources we have left before
> Java7 is out to work on inference. Once you've got inference perfected, the
> rest is trivial; a closure literal is EITHER immediately interpreted as
> simply an expression that produces a value of a type, or the compiler
> immediately generates an error. There's no intermediate function type phase.
> So, how would inference have to work? Well, if the Type name is mandatory,
> inference is again trivial; if the Type is a SAM, then the method name is
> inferred to be the one abstract method in that type. If not, then you must
> have a method name. However, things are only this trivial if the type also
> lists all generics information, and then we not only have the considerable
> burden of writing probably reptitive type information anytime we want to
> write a closure, it also won't solve the explosion of types in
> ParallelArray. Thus, clearly, inference needs to be a lot more complicated
> than this for it to be a passable closures implementation for java.
> With some work on the JVM, it should be relatively simple to detect the
> following situation:
> 1. Some method runs Integer.valueOf() whilst constructing a stack frame to
> be passed off to another method via one of the INVOKE opcodes (if this is
> difficult to detect, the compiler can perhaps emit a special call or opcode
> to 'box' an integer this way). This is an immutable property for any given
> parameter in any given INVOKEx opcode.
> 2. The invoked method's very first act when it first touches the object at
> this stack position is to call intValue() on it. This is an immutable
> property for any given parameter in any given method.
> That's, in other words, the situation where one method calls another with a
> primitive. Once this feature is in, which isn't useful just for closures but
> a boon to the JVM in general, then it becomes possible to eliminate a lot of
> types in ParallelArray's Ops; instead of having:
> Ops.DoubleMaxReducer
> Ops.IntMaxReducer
> Ops.LongMaxReducer
> Ops.MaxReducer<T>
> You'd just have:
> Ops.MaxReducer<T>.
> All methods in the ParallelArray library that currently take an
> Ops.DoubleMaxReducer will instead take an Ops.MaxReducer<Double>, and the
> JVM will make sure that performance is not adversely affected as long as the
> caller also works with a direct double. If the caller doesn't, this can only
> be described as a win, as in such a situation the caller either has to do a
> runtime if/elseif block or use MaxReducer<Double> without the benefit of JVM
> optimized autobox/unbox elimination.
> If that's done, then "all" that's left is inferring that something like
> this:
> Ops.MaxReducer<double> x = #(double a, double b) { ... }
> or even harder, this:
> ParallelDoubleArray a = ...;
> a.cumulate(#(double a, double b) { ... }, 0);
> is legal, and in fact means that the closure is in fact implementing
> Ops.MaxReducer<double>#invoke(double a, double b), that (in the second
> case), the intended target method signature is
> ParallelDoubleArray.cumulate(Ops.MaxReducer<double>, double), and of course
> that using primitive types in generics is legal in the first place.
> This again has the property that its certainly not trivial to do so, but the
> benefit of doing it extends well beyond merely closures. For example, even
> with full blown BGGA closures, I don't see how you could ever write
> something like:
> new TreeSet<Integer>({int a, int b => ...});
> whereas with a scheme to allow primitive types as type arguments, you could
> not only write such a thing, it would be simpler:
> new TreeSet<int>(#(int a, int b)( ... ));
> How to allow primitives in generics declarations has been researched, and
> abandoned, before, but if we can solve this problem today then function
> types can be dropped. The cost/value analysis of trying to make it work has
> perhaps changed now - simplying closures considerably is now added to the
> value.
> A very rough sketch on how to go about allowing primitive types in generics:
> For Type _Parameters_ nothing needs to change. Writing class X<T extends
> int> makes no sense.
> For Type _Arguments_, 'int' is legal anywhere Integer would be. As far as
> type bounds go, this means 'int' will take the place of either something
> like <? extends Number> (including just ?/T, which is of course shorthand
> for ? extends Object), or something like <? super Integer>. As an
> implementation, all locations where a type "int" is used to fit any
> parameterized type are by the compiler turned into Integer, and appropriate
> box/unbox code is inserted at an appropriate place (Per field access for
> fields, at the top of a method for parameters, and right before invoking /
> setting when invoking methods / setting fields). The generated conversion
> code for outgoing calls is simple (just wrap with Integer.valueOf), but for
> incoming changes (from Integer to int), it needs to do both .intValue() and
> a nullcheck. Sequential Integer.valueOf/.intValue calls, even across
> invokes, would be eliminated by the JVM, so the performance hit should be
> negligible in most cases.
> Apply the same reasoning for all the other primitives.
> If anyone remembers or has a link to the problems inherent in allowing
> primitives in generics, that would be useful for this discussion.
> Staggered release of these features (closures itself in JDK7, allowing
> primitives in generics in JDK8) is possibly but a great solution; changing
> an API to go from e.g. cumulate(DoubleMaxReducer r, double base) to
> cumulate(MaxReducer<double> r, double base) is backwards compatible, but
> only if both methods continue to exist simultaneously, and the
> DoubleMaxReducer type can never be deleted. That's clearly not an optimal
> situation.
> Of course, if function types are an base requirement than forget I mentioned
> it.
> --Reinier Zwitserloot
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 2:06 AM, Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at>wrote:
>> Recent threads have indicated the difficulties of adding function types
>> to the language.
>> - difficult/impossible to integrate with arrays (an omission that would
>> certainly be a surprise to many I suspect)
>> - difficult to integrate with varargs
>> - difficult to implement (various strategies suggested)
>> - difficult syntax choices (difficult to find something that is easy to
>> read, given Java's painful checked exceptions)
>> - debated invocation syntax - the func.() syntax
>> One alternative is to omit function types from JDK 7, and only include
>> conversion to SAM interface types. It would be a compile time error to
>> declare a lambda expression/block that did not convert to a SAM.
>> Function types could then be included in JDK 8 if a valid approach was
>> available (ie. it gives the appearance of needing much more in depth
>> study than the timescale allows)
>> Pros:
>> - reduces risk of making the wrong decision in the short JDK 7 time-frame
>> - avoids all the issues above (AFAIK)
>> - doesn't restrict adding function types later (we'd need some proof of
>> this)
>> - reduces the initial learning curve
>> Cons:
>> - doesn't tackle the problem of fork-joins excess of interfaces, which
>> is declared as a major project goal
>> - results in multiple, incompatible SAM interfaces for the same concept
>> - no automatic handling of co/contra variance
>> I therefore ask (in a positive way!) as to whether function types are a
>> fixed requirement of project lambda? Or whether the SAM-conversion-only
>> strategy would be considered for JDK 7? (My concern is to avoid the
>> experience of generic wildcards where it was rather rushed in at the
>> last minute by all accounts)
>> I'm really looking for a simple answer from Alex rather than a debate on
>> this...
>> Stephen

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