Function types versus arrays

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at
Thu Feb 18 02:17:32 PST 2010

Hi John,

Your examples in:


  // hard to infer A/T, must return concrete #(Object x)(x)
  // static <T, A extends T> #T(A) identityFunction() { return #(A x)(x); }
  static <T, A extends T> _Callable_1<T, A> identityFunction() {
    return new _Callable_1<T, A>() {
      @Override public T call(A x) { return x; }

  // Don't really understand this - what does type.cast does? However,
don't need typecast for constantFunction.
  // static <T> #T() constantFunction(T x) { return type.cast( #()(x) ); }
  static <T> _Callable_0<T> constantFunction(final T x) {
    return new _Callable_0<T>() {
      @Override public T call() { return x; }

  -- Howard.

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