Project Lambda: Java Language Specification draft 0.1.5

Neal Gafter neal at
Thu Feb 18 20:25:06 PST 2010

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Joshua Bloch <jjb at> wrote:
>> Another problem with having "this" refer to the lambda that we did not
>> discuss before is that it does not compose well.  Specifically, a
>> lambda written within another lambda has no way to refer to "this" of
>> the enclosing lambda.

> I see this as a corner case, with a workaround: the enclosing lambda can
> stash its identity in order to make it available to the enclosed lambda.

Alternatively, we can eliminate it as a corner case altogether, by
making "stashing" a function value in a variable the only way to get
at it by some name.

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