Lambda Conversion Considered Harmful?

Jesse Kuhnert jkuhnert at
Fri Feb 19 09:44:09 PST 2010

Would it be feasible/crazy talk to suggest toying with the idea of
starting with the (assuming it is workable / feasible from a technical
perspective) BGGA proposal to get things going on the right foot and
attempt to modify / remove / etc things suit the general need of this
project? The syntax alone could take almost as much time as figuring
out how / what functionality to provide. Possibly..

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Osvaldo Doederlein <opinali at> wrote:
> Wow, it's great being able to agree with both Josh and Neal, this will raise
> my karma in at least 10 points. ;-) We definitely cannot have any perf
> regression for any lambda usage that replaces existing idioms, not even
> "only" for SAM type use-cases that could be sweeped under the rug of
> "backwards compatibility" - in practice this use-case will be vastly
> predominant for many years to come.
> I have exposed the opinion that lambdas could be a great opportunity to have
> _better_ performance than traditional idioms - either by allowing the
> compiler to aggressive inline control abstractions and other uses of
> literal, "soft" lambdas; or because lambdas may be compiled into
> MethodHandles which may be lightweight compared to bulky synthetic classes -
> but if this is not possible for any reason, we must at the very least follow
> Hippocrates' rule "first, do no harm" performance-wise.
> Considering this, my -1 to the hideously convoluted techniques that I see in
> proposals related to function types vs. arrays and lambda reification. The
> hacker inside me admires this ingenuity (assuming that it works), but the
> smell of complexity and bloat is just unbearable - and I though inner
> classes were bad. Call me old-fashioned, but if a couple lines of lambda
> code is desugared into multiple pages of Java code - even if most of it is
> adapter methods that can be reused in a few other usage sites with identical
> signatures - that's Just Wrong. Believe me, lambdas will be D.O.A. if, when
> SE7 ships, people start blogging that they updated some app that uses a lot
> of inner classes to use lambdas, and the resulting JAR file was +50% the old
> size. (Profile-driven, dynamic translation could be better, if it doesn't
> introduce new issues.)
> A+
> Osvaldo
> 2010/2/19 Joshua Bloch <jjb at>
>> As I'm sure you're aware, I'm very much in favor of the goal of the Lambda
>> conversion: the new syntax (or something like it) should be usable in
>> combination with existing constructs that require a "function object" such
>> as a Comparator or (perhaps) a TimerTask.  But I'm increasingly skeptical
>> that the Lambda conversion (as described in the proposal) is the best way
>> to
>> achieve this.
>> I'm skeptical for two reasons. The first concerns the semantics. Simply
>> put,
>> function types just get in the way when what you want is a SAM type. They
>> raise all sorts of thorny issues, many of which we've been discussing
>> recently. Is the function-typed object the same object as the SAM-typed
>> object, or are there two objects involved? Is there any way to access the
>> members of the SAM type? And so on.
>> The second reason I'm skeptical concerns performance.  The latest spec
>> draft
>> says this:
>> Implementing lambda conversion will likely generate new objects to wrap or
>> > delegate to the lambda expression. This is acceptable in assignment and
>> > method invocation conversion contexts, but not in a casting conversion
>> > context. (See
>> >
>> > )
>> I fear that this will have disastrous performance consequences. Presented
>> with a lovely new syntax, programmers will naturally use it, e.g., to make
>> Comparators:
>>    Arrays.sort(a, #(String s1, String s2)(return s1.length - s2.length));
>> But the comparator's sole method is invoked in the inner loop of the sort!
>> The slowdown caused by the delegation will add to the constant factor of
>> the
>> (n log n) sort. This could be very costly! I believe it violates a
>> fundamental tenet of Java's design, which has been called *transparency*:
>>  magic should be kept to a minimum, and the code should reflect its
>> performance (to the extent that that's feasible in this day and age). The
>> for-each loop, by contrast, does not create an Iterator when traversing an
>> array, so it runs as fast as the traditional for loop that it replaces.
>> This
>> was very important to me when we were designing the for-each construct, and
>> I'm glad we did it the way we did.
>> Therefore, I think we should *very *seriously consider an alternative
>> design
>> that uses a slightly different syntax when furnishing instances of SAM
>> types
>> that it does when furnishing instances of function types.  Call them
>> SAM-lambdas and function-lambads (for the time being). Perhaps the SAM
>> lambdas could take the type as a mandatory argument, to simplify the
>> compiler's job:
>>    Arrays.sort(a, #Comparator(String s1, String s2)(return s1.length -
>> s2.length));
>> I have no idea whether this is the best syntax, or even an acceptable
>> syntax.  The important point is that we need something that:
>>   (1) Interoperates with existing methods that require "function objects"
>>   (2) Provides performance equal to current idioms, and
>>   (3) Provide conciseness close to that of lambdas (as specified in the
>> current proposal)
>> As a clarification, I am not arguing for the elimination of function types;
>> rather I'm arguing that they get in the way of "interoperable function
>> objects." so we need two separate syntaxes, one for function types and one
>> for SAM types.
>>             Josh

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