Lambda Conversion Considered Harmful?

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Fri Feb 19 15:53:18 PST 2010

On Saturday 20 February 2010 00:32:13 Peter Levart wrote:
> There is a way to support "conversion" of lambda expression to SAM class
>  (and/or interface) and  at the same time have "this" refer to lambda
>  instance of function (not SAM) type. This precludes interfaces as the
Oh, I have to go to sleep! change "precludes" -> "mandates"
>  implementation mechanism of function types - the same object can both
>  extend SAM class and implement function type. If you want to access
>  members of SAM type from within lambda body, you simply cast "this" to SAM
>  type.

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