Lightweight interfaces instead of function types

Neal Gafter neal at
Sun Feb 21 10:08:56 PST 2010

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 3:58 AM, Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at>wrote:

> More broadly, it has been noted by more than one person that
> ClassCastExceptions from ungenerified objects/collections or
> ArrayStoreExceptions have always been a rarity in real code by
> comparison to NullPointerExceptions (ie. why aren't we tackling
> NPEs???).

I'm trying to figure out how this statement fits into the discussion.  Are
you suggesting that because dynamic type safety is hardly ever violated in
practice, there would be little value in ever reifying generics (compared
to, for example, the jsr308 work in JDK7 to help eliminate NPEs using
annotations)?  If so, that would explain your eagerness to encourage coding
patterns that would undermine it.

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