MethodHandle vs function types

Rémi Forax forax at
Mon Feb 22 08:31:48 PST 2010

Le 22/02/2010 10:54, John Rose a écrit :


> For SAM types (a contentious topic!) JSR 292 could perhaps help by defining library APIs (or other mechanisms?) for converting between method handles and SAM references.  Rather than requiring a stereotyped bytecode adapter for every statically detected SAM conversion, a library API would (a) provide a compact way to express such conversions and (b) a location for JVM vendors to concentrate optimization work.
> With helpful best wishes,
> -- John

I really like that idea !
Instead of letting the compiler to produce bytecodes in order create an 
object implementing an interface from a MethodHandle,
a VM can create a lightweight class with an itable containing the same 
pointer as the one contained in the MethodHandle.


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