Implementing recursive lambda with MethodHandle

Joshua Bloch jjb at
Mon Feb 22 09:49:07 PST 2010


Sorry to sound so negative today, but I don't like any of these.  They all
force you to define a variable or method in the scope enclosing the lambda,
cluttering up this scope.  One of the things that I love about for-lops (as
opposed, for example, to while loops) is that they allow you to declare
index variables and bounds within the scope of the loop.  I don't consider
the recursive lambda case to be all that important (definitely a corner
case), but I much prefer to use a local variable declared within the scope
of the lambda:

    #i(int i) {
        #int(int) thisFn = this;
        return i == 0 ? 1 : i * thisFn.(i - 1);

This does not require any fancy (i.e., recursive) type inference and does
hot pollute the surrounding scope with an unused local variable or method


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:52 AM, Rémi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> To summarize, there is three ways to have recursive lambda:
> 1) No recursive lambda:
>     If you need a recursive function, create it has a private method
> and call it in the lambda
>     (this is my favorite choice :)
>     static int sum(int x) {
>       return (x==0)?0:x + sum(x-1);
>     }
>     #int(int) a= #int(int x) {
>         return sum(x);
>      };
> 2) this refers to the current lambda
>     In that case you can use this.() to do the recursive call.
>     #int(int) a= #int(int x) {
>         return (x==0)?0:x + this.(x-1);
>      };
> 3) allow a reference to a lambda to be used inside a lambda
>      #int(int) a= #int(int x) {
>         return (x==0)?0:x + a.(x-1);
>      };
> How to implement solution 2 or 3 with method handles ?
> First, it's not simple because a method handle is an
> object that contains a function pointer to a method,
> so there is no dedicated class.
> You have to first create the method handle and then inject itself to be
> available
> in the body of the function referenced.
> Because injecting the method handle creates a new method handle
> so you have a eggs and chicken problem that you can solve with an array.
> static int $lambda$1(MethodHandle[] mh, int x) {
>    return (x==0)?0:x + mh[0].invokeGenerics(x-1);
> }
> MethodHandle mh = #$lambda$1(MethodHandle, int)
> MethodHandle[] array = {null};
> mh = mh.bind(array);
> array[0] = mh;
> Rather ugly, isn't it ?
> cheers,
> Rémi

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