Effectively final effective?

Jesse Kuhnert jkuhnert at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 12:39:30 PST 2010

Only a very small and obvious note to add.

Whether the project description is lambda expressions / closures /
etc, when it makes its way out in to the real world everyone will
probably refer to them as closures whether anyone likes it or not.
Which means they will likely also immediately compare usage here
against other languages to figure out how it works - or try to assume
their way through it based on existing experience..

It might be a good idea to keep syntax overhead and all other changes
with this in mind when making decisions. Not that that makes it any
easier or the above statements strictly true for the general case, but
sounds pretty close.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:26 PM, John Nilsson <john at milsson.nu> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Reinier Zwitserloot <
> reinier at zwitserloot.com> wrote:
> However when it comes to local variables I demand from everyone in my team
> to always declare every single one of them final. To me it is bad style to
> use mutable local variables unless you have a damn good reason for it. And
> most of the times, you don't. This policy makes code easy to read and
> maintain. I don't have to execute the whole code block in my head to find
> out what that variable is used for, I simply looks at it's definition.
> BR,
> John

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