Extermal references: BGGA Prototype change list

Neal Gafter neal at gafter.com
Fri Feb 26 21:34:17 PST 2010

Alex Buckley asked me to include BGGA and other documents in messages on
this list, so that they may formally be considered contributions to project

Enclosed please find: a document describing features of the BGGA prototype
not in the specification.  It can also be found at <

Differences Between the Prototype and the Spec (v0.5)

Here is a summary of the differences between the current prototype and the
last published specification (v0.5). These changes reflect feedback from the
user community and are suitable for inclusion in the next revision of the

   - Renamed Unreachable to Nothing

   We adopt the name used by Scala to represent the same concept.

   - Removed support for the type null

   We used null as a placeholder for an exception type when none can be
   thrown. The type Nothing now serves that purpose; null is no longer
   supported as the name of a type.

   - Overhauled restricted versus unrestricted

   In the specification, an interface is considered *restricted* if it
   extends a marker interface. Unfortunately, the specification only provides a
   syntax for function type interfaces that are unrestricted. We modified the
   syntax so that a function type written using the => token designates a
   restricted function type, while one written using the newly introduced
   ==> token represents an unrestricted function type. This allows
   programmers to easily write APIs that restrict (or don't restrict) the
   operations of closure expressions passed as parameters.

   - Refined restrictions

   We modified the distinction between restricted and unrestricted closures.
   As before, it is not legal to convert an unrestricted closure to a
   restricted interface type, nor is it legal to break, continue, or
returnfrom inside a restricted closure to a target outside the
closure. However, a
   restricted closure is allowed to refer to a non-final local variable from an
   enclosing scope. In this case a warning is given unless one of the following
   conditions holds:
      1. The variable is not the target of any assignment, or
      2. The variable is annotated @Shared

   It is possible to suppress the warning by annotating some enclosing
   construct @SuppressWarnings("shared").

   - Relaxed the closure conversion

   In response to user feedback, we've relaxed the relationship between a
   closure parameter's type and the target interface's parameter type. Rather
   than requiring them to be of the same type, they are now allowed to be
   related by an assignment conversion, including boxing or unboxing.

   - for-qualified method declarations

   The for keyword on a method declaration, meant to introduce a control
   abstraction method that works like a loop, is now treated syntactically like
   a modifier rather than appearing immediately before the method name. This
   helps make the declaration site more similar to the use site.

   - Added support for method references

   We added extensive support for treating a reference to a method as a
   closure using a newly introduced token #. The syntax is borrowed from the
   FCM proposal <http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ddhp95vd_6hg3qhc>. The
   semantics are as follows:

   A method reference written as

   *Primary* # *Identifier* ( *TypeList* )

    where the Primary designates an expression (as opposed to a type) is
   treated the same as a closure

   { Type x0, Type x1 ... => tmp.Identifier(x0, x1 ...) }


   { Type x0, Type x1 ... => tmp.Identifier(x0, x1 ...); }

    Where tmp is a temporary value that holds the computed value of the
   primary expression. The former translation is used when the resolved method
   has a non-void return type, while the latter is used when the resolved
   method has a void return type.

   If the primary resolves to a type, then this is translated to

   { Type x0, Type x1 ... => Primary.Identifier(x0, x1 ...) }


   { Type x0, Type x1 ... => Primary.Identifier(x0, x1 ...); }

    when the resolved method is static, or

   { Primary x, Type x0, Type x1 ... => x.Identifier(x0, x1 ...) }


   { Primary x, Type x0, Type x1 ... => x.Identifier(x0, x1 ...); }

    when the resolved method is an instance method.

   In addition, optional explicit type arguments, between angle brackets,
   may be placed immediately after the # token. These are used directly in
   the translated method invocation to resolve the method to be invoked.

   - Implemented a classfile format for the for qualifier

   We've impleemnted a class file representation of the for qualifier to
   support separate compilation.

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