Reified Lambda Functions

Mark Thornton mthornton at
Thu Jan 7 08:19:42 PST 2010

Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
> Hi Howard!
> I am curious, what are the primary reasons for reifying lambdas? You 
> mention performance... but for example if a lambda(closure) is used  as 
> the body of a loop, the  optimizing JVM will inline the iteration code 
> from the collection class and this will in turn inline the lambda as 
> well. Thus effectively types outside of the lambda will be propagated 
> into the lambda when the code is optimized since they will be part of 
> the same AST.
I wish I could be more confident that such transformations would in fact 
take place where appropriate. Especially as the tiered compiler appears 
to have died or gone into hibernation.

Mark Thornton

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