Preparing for the 0.2 draft

Alex Blewitt alex.blewitt at
Fri Jan 29 14:33:27 PST 2010

On 29 Jan 2010, at 22:25, Rémi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> public class AuthGroup {
>   private final List<User> userList;
>   private final int priority;
>   ...
>   public List<User> getAuthorizedUsers() {
>     //filter works like filter in Python
>     return userList.filter(#(User user) (user.getPriority() >=
> this.priority));
>   }
> }

Note that you could equally write:

return userList.filter(#(User user) (user.getPrioriry() >=  

It's not that the lambda should be prevented from accessing a  
surrounding instances fields; rather, the desire is to find out  
examples where "this" might refer to varsity associated with the  
lambda itself, such as if it extends a SAM class instead of an  

In the interim, allowing explicit uses of qualified this whilst  
leaving the unqualified this as a syntax error allows the point to be  
debated further without blocking the goal you described above.


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