Preparing for the 0.2 draft

Rémi Forax forax at
Sat Jan 30 06:31:03 PST 2010

Le 30/01/2010 14:38, Mark Thornton a écrit :
> Osvaldo Doederlein wrote:
>> 2010/1/30 Fredrik Öhrström<fredrik.ohrstrom at>
>>> Just because every piece of code in Java you have written so far, has
>>> been a method inside an object
>> Well, there is the enormous exception of all Java code inside static
>> methods, static initializers, and field-initializing expressions. (The
>> latter _is_ "code inside an object" because it's compiled into constructors;
>> but you can't use 'this' anyway.)
> public class Init
> {
>      private Init me = this;
> }
> Is legal. It is static contexts and the arguments of super that can't
> contain this (as far as I can recall).

It's an instance variable initializer (words from the JLS), it's not a 
static context.

> Mark


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