
Neal Gafter neal at
Wed Jul 7 12:47:57 PDT 2010

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Pavel Minaev <int19h at> wrote:

> > Those who have used them in other languages rarely think of them as a
> method body.
> And again I have to disagree. Most C# programmers, for one, would
> think of them in precisely that way, and they alone make up a huge
> part of "those who have used them in other languages", given the
> popularity of C#.

My experience is exactly the opposite.  In C# "this" is inherited from the
enclosing scope.  No members are inherited from the delegate object type
into the body of the lambda expression.

> Another very huge - probably even bigger, actually -
> group with "foreign lambda background" would be JavaScript developers,
> and they also tend to think of a lambda as some kind of function.

In Javascript, the meaning of "this" can be either lexical at the point of
definition of the lambda or inherited from an object to which it is
attached.  That's confusing enough that I don't think it is something to

Indeed, can you give an example of a popular language which 1) has
> explicit "return", 2) has lambdas, and either 3) does not allow for
> "return" in a lambda, or 4) allows for it, but only in the meaning of
> non-local return? The only one I can think of right off the bat is
> Smalltalk, and also Ruby to some extent (as it has different kinds of
> lambdas, with both local and non-local returns).

Besides the two you named I'd add Scala.

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