Yield considered harmful
Nathan Bryant
nathan.bryant at linkshare.com
Fri Jul 9 14:26:41 PDT 2010
> Sets.filter(set, new Predicate() {
> boolean apply(Object o) {
> if (o instanceof String && ((String)o).contains("http") )
> return true;
> return false;
> }
> } );
> could easily take advantage of the new syntax:
> Sets.filter(set, { o -> if(o instanceof String &&
((String)o).contains( "http")) yield true; yield false } )
Not necessary, when one can write it like this:
Sets.filter(set, { o -> o instanceof String && ((String)o).contains(
"http") } )
Or in the more common case where your Set is a Set<String>, you can
Sets.filter(set, { o -> o.contains("http") } )
That said, yield is bad. -1 on yield. (If an additional -1 vote is even
necessary now that you've pointed out Thread.yield)
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