Current State of Closures

Dr Andrew John Hughes ahughes at
Mon Jul 26 16:42:09 PDT 2010

Will the following be possible now or in the future as part of Project Lambda?

public class TestClosures
  public static #Integer(Integer) partial(#Integer(Integer, Integer)
func, int arg1)
    return func.(Integer.valueOf(arg1));

  public static void main(String[] args)
    #Integer(Integer,Integer) pow = #(Integer x, Integer y)(x * y);
    #Integer(Integer) part = partial(pow, 2);

i.e. being able to supply a partial set of arguments to a method so
that a new method is returned.

In Haskell,

> :t (\x -> \y -> x * y)
(\x -> \y -> x * y) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
> :t (\x -> \y -> x * y) 2
(\x -> \y -> x * y) 2 :: (Num a) => a -> a

Currently this gives: lambda expression cannot be applied to given types
    return func.(Integer.valueOf(arg1));
  required: Integer,Integer
  found: Integer
Andrew :-)

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