Too terse and too alien?

Paul Benedict pbenedict at
Tue Jun 1 10:48:08 PDT 2010

Right on, Jesse.

I will not be writing a dissertation to prove why something "feels"
like Java or not. I get closures are new and so new conventions must
exist, but I don't think my opinion is any less valid. There are
reasons hackles are being raised over the Internet over the proposal
-- the proposal easily violates Java's simplicity philosophy, in my
opinion, of course. There's no "proof" for that other than one's
internal perspective.

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Jesse Kuhnert <jkuhnert at> wrote:
> Though I know I'm now expressing a different opinion than I was
> originally (thanks to Alex for pointing it out), a lot of this is
> indeed artistic / creative and not strictly measurable in the
> traditional sense. If we did things that way we'd just slap some blue
> colors on it like google and call it a day right? (not trying to pick
> on google too much, but well ...)
> Much like traditional art, not all opinions are created equal. Not
> saying that anyone is right / wrong, just that I'd tend to trust the
> most knowledgeable to brainstorm and find something that feels the
> most natural above anything else. (not that alternative syntax options
> probably aren't welcome as long as they fit all the same functional
> goals)
> On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Reinier Zwitserloot
> <reinier at> wrote:
> <snipped/>

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