Too terse and too alien?
Florian Weimer
fweimer at
Wed Jun 2 01:06:06 PDT 2010
* Alessio Stalla:
> Really? I forgot to mention no local variables, since Java doesn't have let.
> I can come up with reasonable counterexamples:
> sorting people by surname and name (middle name omitted for brevity :D):
> Collections.sort(people, #(Person p, Person q) (
> p.getSurname().compareTo(q.getSurname()) != 0 ?
> p.getSurname().compareTo(q.getSurname()) :
> p.getName().compareTo(q.getName()) ));
> vs
> Collections.sort(people, #(Person p, Person q) {
> int surnameComparison = p.getSurname().compareTo(q.getSurname());
> return surnameComparison != 0 ? surnameComparison :
> p.getName().compareTo(q.getName())
> });
This is not a realistic example. It will look more like this in
JDK 7:
Collections.sort(people, mkComparator(Person#getSurname(), Person#getName()));
People will write combinator libraries soon to make this programming
style popular.
(I'm not sure about the exact syntax.)
> processing all event handlers in a list:
>, #(EventListener e) {
> try { e.handle(event); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Exception
> while processing listener", e); }
> });, suppressException1(e#handle(EventListener),
#(Exception e) (log.error("Exception while processing listener", e))));
and so on.
Florian Weimer <fweimer at>
BFK edv-consulting GmbH
Kriegsstraße 100 tel: +49-721-96201-1
D-76133 Karlsruhe fax: +49-721-96201-99
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