Exception transparency
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at oracle.com
Tue Jun 8 08:17:06 PDT 2010
Note that there's no reason that exceptions can't cross threads here. Imagine
that we had throws-type-parameters when designing JUC. Then it is possible we
would have done this:
interface Callable<T, throws E> {
public T call() throws E;
interface Future<T, throws E> {
public T get() throws InterruptedException, E;
interface ExecutorService {
<T, throws E>
Future<T, throws E> submit(Callable<T, throws E> task);
rather than wrapping the exception thrown by the task in an ExecutionException.
On 6/8/2010 12:53 AM, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
> Making the exceptions transparent by encoding them in the type system is
> going to be very unwieldy, even if a "throws T" variadic type parameter
> concept is introduced. I've got a much better idea: Escape detection on
> closures. Any closures that are guaranteed to run such that the runtime
> stack matches the lexical stack can get exception transparency
> completely free, no new syntax and no new concepts required; it would
> "just work".
> Let's take Comparator for example. Currently it is used in two contexts;
> Collections/Arrays.sort, as well as for the TreeSet constructor. It
> would make perfect sense for the sort variant to use the proposed
> variadic type parameter concept to make any exceptions thrown as part of
> the comparison transparent. Side-stepping for a moment the general
> shambles that occurs when trying to integrate functional types into
> existing library code, this would perhaps look something like so:
> public static <T, throws E> void sort(List<T> a, Comparator<? super T,
> E> c) throws E {
> ...
> }
> Just look at that. Generics in libraries already has a tendency to look
> like gobbledygook and the above is not helping things at all. Even if we
> abandon Comparator here and use a straight closure type like so:
> public static <T, throws E> void sort(List<T> a, #int(T, T)(throws E) c)
> throws E {
> ...
> }
> isn't an improvement.
> But, let's stick with it, and inspect what happens to TreeSet.
> Now we run into even bigger trouble; applying a (variadic or monadic,
> doesn't matter) exceptions type parameter here is simply not possible.
> We'd have to add "throws E" to at the very least TreeSet's add and
> addAll methods, but we clearly can't; both of those methods come from
> the Set interface and those don't have any thrown exceptions declared
> today, so, that won't work. Even in a hypothetical world where we can
> break backwards compatibility we still can't pragmatically replace Set's
> current add method with: "public boolean add(T item) throws E" - because
> what's that E even stand for? In e.g. a HashSet, and most other sets,
> that "E" makes no sense at all. Its a unique aspect of TreeSet. We could
> simply not let TreeSet implement Set but that feels completely wrong.
> The most obvious solution then appears to be one of three options:
> (A) don't try; leave sort and TreeSet untouched and do not add exception
> transparency to sort. But that would be a shame.
> (B) overload Collections.sort with the variadic type parameter based
> exception transparency. Leave TreeSet untouched. But now we have two
> incompatible "comparator" concepts, so this too would be a weak solution.
> (C) hack it together by letting TreeSet rewrap any checked exceptions
> thrown during add/addAll into a custom unchecked class, akin to
> InvocationTargetException or ExecutionException). But that's the very
> ugliness we're trying to avoid!
> None of these feel like good solutions. Even going with the most likely
> one, option B, that still leaves us with this brain twiddler:
> public static <T, throws E> void sort(List<T> a, #int(T, T)(throws E) c)
> throws E {
> ...
> }
> One of the nice things of static typing is that the signature all by
> itself is usually enough documentation for a library user to know
> exactly what to do. But with signatures like those, I'm not sure that'll
> remain true. It's also highly redundant; creating new boilerplate is
> something we ought to try and avoid.
> So, here's my alternative:
> The first part: Create two separate kinds of closures, similar to a
> later addendum to the BGGA proposal concerning "safe" and "unsafe" closures.
> There are portable closures which have no restrictions of any kind but
> which are truly like portable code blocks; a simpler syntax for today's
> anonymous inner classes. They cannot capture (mutable) variables, do not
> and will never support long return/break/continue, have no exception
> transparency of any kind, but you can store them for later, move them to
> another thread, and otherwise treat them as one would any random object.
> The other kind of closure is a restricted closure: The compiler will
> ensure that if the closure is run at all, it is run in such a way that
> the runtime stack matches lexical scope. Such a closure can capture any
> variable, mutable or not (because threading cannot possibly be an issue,
> by definition - the stack is still there, so it must be the same
> thread), when java 8 rolls around, will support transfers (long
> break/continue/return), and has automagical exception transparency; it
> just works, no need for a variadic type parameter.
> Here's how this might work:
> TreeSet's constructor remains as it is now, and by default all closures
> are NOT restricted. Exception transparency for TreeSet's Comparator will
> not be supported, but we've already seen that supporting it is not
> feasible anyway, so that's a good result. For Collections.sort, on the
> other hand, we mark it as restricted, like so:
> public static <T> void sort(List<T> a, do Comparator<? super T> c) {
> ...
> }
> note the "do" keyword there. It can be any keyword, such as
> "restricted", that's a detail that can be decided on later. What this
> does is two things: First of all, the compiler will ensure that the "c"
> variable is not assigned to anything (be it a field or a local
> variable), is not captured by a non-restricted closure, is not captured
> by a method local class, is not returned, and is not passed as variable
> to another method (with one exception: It's okay to pass c as a closure
> to another method that also has a 'do' keyword for that parameter).
> Secondly, that parameter is marked (via an extended field) as supporting
> a restricted closure.
> Then, IF a closure is passed directly as parameter, one gets hassle-free
> exception transparency, and one can legally write this:
> public void test() throws IOException {
> Collections.sort(someList, #(String a, String b) {
> if (a == null) throw new IOException();
> return a.length() - b.length();
> });
> }
> It'll work because the compiler first realizes that the closure throws
> an IOException which isn't caught/declared anywhere in its own lexical
> scope, but it IS caught/declared in its containing scope, thus the
> exception itself is marked as "legal, but only if restricted". During
> the resolution phase, the compiler figures out that this closure is
> being passed in the position of a restricted parameter and just compiles
> it without complaining about not handling a checked exception. The JVM
> already supports this (checked exceptions are checked by javac, the jvm
> or the class verifier don't care - see any alternative JVM language,
> which all let you throw checked exceptions without declaring that you do).
> There's only one caveat: The author of the Collections.sort method may
> presume that any call to Comparator.compare() couldn't possibly throw,
> say, an IOException, because "compare()" does not declare this. And that
> would be a mistake - this entire concept is predicated on the notion
> that any checked exception not explicitly declared by that closure falls
> "through" all intermediate methods right back to the original lexical
> scope, at which point it'll be handled. That'll work, but only if all
> those intermediate methods don't touch that checked exception. So,
> something like this:
> public static <T> void sort(List<T> a, do Comparator<? super T> c) {
> try {
> c.compare(null, null);
> new FileInputStream("foo.bar");
> } catch (IOException e) {
> //I'll just presume this must have been the FileInputStream!
> }
> }
> would be a coding mistake - it'll fail because it'll catch any
> transparent IOExceptions from the closure as well. However, this is in
> practice not a problem at all, for two reasons:
> (1) Any java program that works like the above and assumes that
> IOException must have come from the FileInputStream is already buggy.
> It's the JVM you're coding for and not java (the language) programs;
> class files produced by jython, scalac, jruby, and just about any other
> alternative language routinely throw checked exceptions "sneakily". Even
> within the constraints of java itself, sneaky exceptions can happen. If
> not explicitly (via e.g. someClass.newInstance() which can sneaky
> throw), then implicitly, by mixing class files from different compile
> runs. Thus, this isn't really a new caveat.
> (2) Existing code will NEVER be bit with this. The author has to step in
> and add a do keyword to one of the parameters. When doing so the author
> assumes the responsibility of checking that his code doesn't make this
> assumption.
> Such a system is also backwards compatible. You can never remove a "do"
> keyword from a signature, but you can add it.
> Just to highlight how exception transparency is completely free in this
> system, at least for restricted closures: By definition the original
> stack is still intact, therefore, whatever construct (a catch or a
> throws clause) made it legal to throw a certain checked exception at the
> lexical location where the closure is defined is still "live" on the
> stack. Exceptions, by definition, walk up the stack until they find the
> nearest handler. Assuming all code in between the closure definition and
> its execution leave it alone, the exception will always end up at a
> point where it'll be handled (or thrown onwards but explicitly declared
> with a "throws" clause, which is ok).
> This leaves a hole for unrestricted closures, which would then not
> supported exception transparency at all, but just about every instance
> of unrestricted closure usage in libraries I can think of doesn't really
> need exception transparency. The rare case where that would be useful is
> mostly focussed around ParallelArrays and fork/join, in that PA
> transports the closure block across threads but it "emulates" the stack
> (in that the method call that runs an operation on the PA doesn't return
> until that operation is complete, though in the process of completing
> the operation, many threads will be used). This case can be supported by
> offering a native method that unshackles the escape detection from a
> parameter. The javadoc on this method can explain in detail how its the
> job of the caller to transport any and all exceptions, checked or not,
> back to the caller, and how in the future Break/Continue/ReturnTransfer
> throwables too may occur and should be transported back to the original
> thread.
> There are a few use cases where exception transparency is desired but
> there's no way, even with the above "transport the exception back to the
> caller" concept, to keep exception transparency out of the type system.
> However, I posit that with the above system in place these cases don't
> even get close to being common enough to warrant the considerable burden
> of adding the "throws E" concept to the type system. As has been pointed
> out by Brian, other than "throws" and "catch", a variadic type parameter
> can't really be used anywhere in java.
> Therefore, by adding restricted/portable status to closures, this
> particular dilemma is solved in a very simple fashion, and it'll also be
> quite useful for solving the problem with whether or not to allow
> capturing mutable variables, as well as be a good starting point for a
> future addition to closures to let them support "long"
> break/continue/return.
> --Reinier Zwitserloot
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 2:08 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com
> <mailto:brian.goetz at oracle.com>> wrote:
> Summary: Patience, Grasshopper. All of this will come in due time.
> > You describe a syntax for declaring these new kinds of type
> parameters,
> > but no syntax for the use site. The one-type case is familiar,
> and you
> > make two suggestions for the no-type case, but what about the
> > two-or-more case (e.g. "IOException or SQLException")? What about
> > disjunctive bounds (they arise in APIs once you start using these
> type
> > parameters).
> The disjunctive syntax (A|B) is the likely front-runner here.
> > I conjecture that a new syntax may not be needed at the
> declaration site
> > at all; it can be inferred from the explicit bound on the type
> parameter
> > instead of vice-versa, simplifying the syntax and making it more
> > familiar. Specifically, you can treat any type parameter as a throws
> > type parameter if its bound is Throwable or a subtype. There is
> no need
> > to restrict where the type parameter may be used.
> I suspect we might regret that. When you try to write a class like
> class ExceptionList<T extends Exception> implements List<T> { ... }
> you'll find that the compiler has guessed your intentions incorrectly.
> Similarly we could go down the route of explicitly variadic type
> parameters
> (identified say by T... or T*). And the only place you could use
> them would
> be ... throws and maybe catch clauses, since those are the only
> places in the
> language where you can put a list of types.
> > I conjecture that a new syntax may not be needed at the use site
> either,
> > or at least not frequently.
> Likely true. There is a balance to be struck. On the one hand, new
> syntax
> means something new to learn. On the other hand, shoehorning new
> semantics
> into existing syntax means likely surprises. While it can probably
> be done
> with minimal new syntax, this may not be the best thing for the
> language or
> the community.
> The choice of "throws" or similar at the declaration site and
> nothing at the
> use site is probably a reasonable balance, but as always: syntax
> choices to be
> made last.
> > How do these new type parameters interact with wildcards? Can
> they be
> > used in function types? What are the subtyping rules?
> To be provided.
> > You suggest that inference will frequently provide these type
> > parameters, but there is no provision for that in any of the draft
> > specifications for project lambda.
> To be provided.
> > Your suggestion that a type parameter may be used in a catch
> blocks and
> > is treated as the erasure will be very confusing, and depending on
> > precisely what you mean it might undermine exception checking.
> Can you
> > please explain what motivated you to add that? Are you hoping
> that the
> > interaction with final type parameters may allow intercepting
> exceptions
> > even when the exception type is a formal generic parameter?
> The use in catch blocks is an optional element of this proposal, one
> that may
> well turn out in the end to be confusing or unworkable. But the
> desirability
> of such a feature should be obvious. We plan to explore it.
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