Parallel collections (was Re: Exception transparency)

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Tue Jun 8 10:12:17 PDT 2010

OK, I get the part about using the API to allow the programmer to explicitly 
choose between serial and parallel iteration.  And the views thing lets us 
decouple the choosing of serial/parallel from the actual point of iteration (I 
can pass an Iterator.par() and a closure to a method together, freeing the 
called code of guessing which to use.)

What can we do to help programmers keep track of which closures are 
"parallel-safe" and which not?

On 6/8/2010 12:43 PM, Nathan Bryant wrote:
> Brian Goetz wrote:
>> Could you be more concrete on how views could solve the problem of
> accommodating both serial and parallel iteration in a type-safe way?
> If by type-safe, you mean "in such a way that pureness can be encoded in
> the type system", I suspect the answer is "no, views aren't helpful for
> that" -- part of this is after all intended as a way to -avoid- exactly
> that kind of type checking. "Views", the way I talk about them, are
> explicitly non-strict: Iterator.par().forEach() would let you pass an
> impure function.
> More generally, there is the problem that forEach() itself may
> manipulate shared state: it may interact with a fork-join pool. Can one
> annotate it as @pure, without @SuppressWarnings("pureness"), without
> introducing some weaker, more complex definition of relative purity? In
> the absence of annotations, can the runtime discover pureness without
> introducing that same weaker definition?
> So the options?
> 0) redo everything with monads-eek! ;)
> 1) assuming checking at compile time rather than runtime: pureness
> violations may only cause a compiler warning, and if overload resolution
> is driven by pureness, then one may want a way to cast the pureness
> annotation in or out, at a call site, or alternately, some form of
> support for call site annotations. (E.g. say I have a pure function, but
> I -don't- want to parallelize it, perhaps I'm already parallelizing at a
> coarser level and it's just not a win at the lowest level... or more
> obviously, I have an impure function which I -do- want to parallelize.)
> 2) Be strict everywhere... no monads... how?
> I suppose it's all "workable" if one is willing to admit
> @SuppressWarnings("pureness")

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