Exception transparency - lone throws (no checked exceptions)

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Thu Jun 10 13:00:34 PDT 2010

Exception transparency is about abstracting over the types of checked 
exceptions that can be thrown by a method.

This proposal is not about exception transparency. This proposal is 
about _ignoring_ the checked exceptions that can be thrown by a method. 
You say yourself:

On 6/10/2010 5:57 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> Current checked exceptions are maintained, however users have the
> choice to effectively turn them off.

So, this proposal is about allowing checked exceptions to be turned off. 
And turned off in a very specific way: as per your response to Peter, if 
the caller doesn't care to catch anything from a 'lone throws' method, 
then the "checked" exception propagates up the call chain, and may be 
caught somewhere via a new 'lone catch' mechanism. Basically the same as 
wrapping checked exceptions in RuntimeExceptions, as proposed by 

While I'm not especially fond of all the machinery around exception 
transparency, exception transparency _is_ what we want to provide.


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