Virtual extension methods -- second draft

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at
Fri Jun 11 17:07:03 PDT 2010

*Brian Goetz* brian.goetz at
*Tue Jun 8 06:14:44 PDT 2010 wrote:*

**> I've updated the draft on Defender Methods:


   1. Implementation option 2, section 8, seems to combine all the best
   characteristics; it doesn't unduly burden the class loader and
   is completely load-time and therefore the compiled code cannot become out of
   sync with interface modifications.
   2. I prefer the syntax option you list in Section 15:

"One alternative that was explored was to put the default method body right
into the

interface source file.  I think that this would be confusing for users; many
already don’t

quite get the difference between interfaces and abstract classes.  (This
would be more

appropriate if we went to full-blown traits.)"

I don't think that it would confuse people and would probably become the
norm, instead of abstract classes (which would be a good thing since it
would eliminate state). With the current proposal you have to make an
interface and a class of static methods, for *most* use cases this is
verbose and a pain since you separate the implementation from the
declaration. You can still forward to a static method when you want/need to
by calling the method directly from the body declared in the interface. Also
you don't need any new syntax constructs; just put the body in curly braces,
it will be most natural.

 -- Howard.

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