Can't get lambda forest to work

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Wed Jun 16 05:08:48 PDT 2010

I recently pushed some changes that should improve the usability of the 
javac/java artifacts generated during a full build of the lambda 
repository. Now it is not necessary to manually specify the -XX VM 
options (the launcher adds them for you); classes that are required 
during compilation/execution (e.g. com/sun/runtime/ProxyHelper) are now 
added to rt.jar so that they are automatically found by the jdk.

The only problem that needs to be fixed now is the VM crash. We are 
working on a patch that I will push it in the lambda-repo; meanwhile you 
might want to build the repo with the ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH option set (to 
point to a JDK distro, b94 is fine), and also BUILD_HOTSPOT=false.

Alternatively you can use the workaround suggested in this email, as 
Remi pointed out:

with one caveat: if you build hotspot from the sources in the lambda 
repo, you will need to add the patch to the bootclasspath of the VM used 
for launching javac. This is done by invoking javac as follows:

javac -J-Xbootclasspath/p:$DOWNLOADS$/hs19-b01-jsr292-patch.jar <javac-args>

I apologize for the inconvenient.


On 15/06/10 17:58, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> On 15/06/10 17:57, Andrew Haley wrote:
>> On 06/15/2010 02:49 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> I did a merge with b97, I hope that helps.
>> Not exactly, sorry.
>> I still get
> Noticed that me too - we are working to fix this issue.
> Maurizio
>> happy:local $ hg fclone
>> ... make ...
>> happy:~ $ /local/lambda/build/linux-amd64/j2sdk-image/bin/java -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableMethodHandles -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic  Closures
>> Invalid layout of java.dyn.CallSite at target
>> Andrew.

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