Virtual extension methods - syntax options

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Wed Jun 16 10:05:43 PDT 2010

> Joe posted something relevant on the topic just now:
> It's as usual a bit more complicated than this.

Of course.  And as you point out, there are areas where the issue is not "I 
don't like syntax X", but "any syntax for this feature is going to be too much 
work for the user to wrap his brain around".  (Cue Stephen to say "like 
variance!")  And this is a sign that it is worth exploring other options.

Many would say "why not let everyone say what they want, and ignore what you 
don't find useful."  Its a nice idea!  The problem is that even though syntax 
is important (terribly important, as it shapes people's thinking about the 
language!), *discussions* about syntax on public lists are like an invasive 
species -- they suck up all the oxygen and as a result the other species 
suffer, rendering the list a monoculture.  Just as with invasive species, one 
most go on periodic rampages to pull them up by the roots for the health of 
the ecosystem.

Sometimes when you go on a rampage against an invasive species, there is 
collateral damage; more delicate species get trampled on, or the ground is 
disturbed which makes things harder for everyone.

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