A syntax option (function types versus arrays)
Reinier Zwitserloot
reinier at zwitserloot.com
Mon Mar 1 18:18:30 PST 2010
In regards to:
(String x -> 3)
What is this going to look like when the body of the closure is not a single
expression but a block?
--Reinier Zwitserloot
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 12:42 AM, Neal Gafter <neal at gafter.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Alex Buckley <Alex.Buckley at sun.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for recording a specific infix notation here, and the reasoning
> > behind it. I am not opposed to infix notation, but I am opposed to
> > saying that the type system will never allow arrays of function types.
> > You and I did a JavaOne presentation in 2008 that majored on not
> > restricting future evolution just because it helps with the syntax
> > today.
> That wasn't the reason for the restriction. The reason was that
> reification would be a breaking change, and therefore will not happen.
> So there's no need to plan for it. By comparison to the infix
> notation the other forms look clumsy. It doesn't make sense to
> cripple the function type syntax to support something that is and
> always will be unsafe.
> In any case, my proposed syntax doesn't prevent you from handling
> arrays of function type, it just requires (like every problem in
> computer science) a bit of indirection. For example, one could hold
> arrays using this
> public class ArrayHolder<T> {
> public final final T[] array;
> public ArrayHolder(T[] array) {
> this.array = array;
> }
> }
> Now, one can store the array from inside a varargs method:
> void method(()->int ... numberGenerators) {
> ArrayHolder<()->int> gens = new ArrayHolder<>(numberGenerators);
> }
> And from there pass them around all you want. This is unsafe, so the
> syntactic gyrations don't bother me.
> > So can you comment on further grammar changes to allow
> > parentheses round the function type:
> >
> > ((A throws X)->Y)[] y; // Array of function-typed values
> I agree with Rémi that you don't need so many parens. You could put
> the throws either before or after the result type. I'd also suggest
> keeping the lambda and function type syntax forms parallel in part
> because the lambda is the primary, and currently only, way to get a
> value of function type. For example either
> (String -> int throws SomeException) variable = (String x -> 3);
> or, as Rémi suggests
> (String throws SomeException -> int) variable = (String x -> 3);
> So the curry example would be something like
> static <T,U,V,X extends Throwable>
> (T->(U throws X->V)) curry((T,U throws X->V) function) {
> return (T t->(U u->function.(t,u)));
> }
> Cheers,
> Neal
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