call operator and orthogonality with existing VM internals

Jakob Praher jp at
Tue Mar 9 09:24:40 PST 2010

Neal Gafter schrieb:
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 4:23 AM, Jakob Praher <jp at> wrote:
> BGGA manages to handle function types with covariant returns and
> contravariant argument types by treating then as instances of generic
> interfaces using wildcards.
Makes sense. Thought about that but had problems since one has to 
specify that in the formal parameters. This relation is not (easily) 
encodable in the type definition itself. Function1<? extends R, ? super 
T>  (leaving out exceptions) has to be used as formal parameters 
otherwise no "subtyping will be posisble".

This is also what I meant that here the out-of-box usablity of function 
types (as interfaces) is limited. (Was this also one of the reason that 
you introduced the {..=>..) syntax?)

-- Jakob.

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