Primitives in Generics proposal.
Reinier Zwitserloot
reinier at
Wed Mar 10 05:05:12 PST 2010
I'll rebut point by point;
1: int[] <-> Integer[] conversion doesn't preserve reference identity.
This rule has been broken before. In java 1.5, this assert isn't true,
because reference identity isn't maintained when boxing is applied:
Integer x = new Integer(10000000);
int y = x;
Integer z = x;
assert z == x; //This will fail!
The Java Language Spec has been updated to explain that autoboxing
operations are simply syntax sugar for inserting either Integer.valueOf(i)
or i.intValue(), and this case is no different: When T[] is being supplied
by or assigned to an array where T is bound to an integer, a conversion
takes place that does not adhere to reference identity, is slow, and emits a
warning precisely to highlight conversion is happening.
If this issue cannot be suitably solved, consider instead an amended
proposal where any such conversion is simply not allowed. There's virtually
zero usage of arrays and generics precisely because they already don't work
very well together. This solution to generics and arrays not working
together very well is to reduce the need for arrays in the first place,
which this proposal does. The most common usage of generics and arrays,
Collection's toArray(T[]) method, is already awkward and bordering on
broken; You must supply a T array, and the T type is not related to the E
type, yet if they don't match appropriately you'll get ArrayStoreExceptions
or ClassCastExceptions. Regardless, the toArray() method never supported
primitive arrays before, so no current code is going to break.
2. This proposal would need (partial) reification.
No it doesn't; point out where in the proposal anything in the JVM needs to
change. Any usage of a primitive types as binding for a type argument is
treated as "Integer" in the generated class file. It's all sugar, the VM
doesn't have to change at all. The proposal does strongly recommend
optimizing sequential box/unbox operations, but it isn't necessary to go
forward, and can safely be added at a later date, such when the JRockit and
sun VMs are integrated.
3. Type arguments themselves can be used as type bound.
Yes, they can. However, If we have "T extends C", then C cannot be bound to
just "int" - from javac's perspective the bound will "typearg_int". Hence
javac knows that T then becomes "typearg_int" as well. "typearg_int" acts
like Integer on the output (class file generation side), and as "int" on the
input (code resolution side), except where the proposal lists special rules
for handling with them (which occur on the intersections: field read/write,
method invocation, overriding method declarations, etc).
4. Subtyping relationship amongst the primitives.
It's technically true but this is a second-class citizen and not at all the
same as the subtyping relation between non-primitive types. Here's one
example of a method that just doesn't care about them:
both of these print "false". A technical analysis of isAssignableFrom's
javadoc shows that isAssignableFrom's implementation isn't buggy, but it
doesn't even mention this explicitly, it instead uses a large amount of JLS
jargon that only a JLS expert could decode to conclude that its omission of
the subtyping rules amongst primitive types is not an implementation error.
Nevertheless I've never seen this omission come up as a practical problem.
I'm having a very hard time coming up with code that presumes the Primitives
in Generics proposal is implemented that is confusing or surprising in a way
that doesn't cause an immediate compiler error/warning that explains exactly
what just happened. For example, the following will just work and preserves
the subtyping relationship amongst the primitives:
List<long> list = new ArrayList<long>();
The reason it works: During method resolution of the add call, the compiler
finds only one add method, namely add<T>, which, after filling in the bound,
becomes add<typearg_long>. typearg_long is like Long on the output (JVM)
side, but it's like long on the input (java code) side. This is no different
here, so the compiler ends up with list.add(long) as the target method.
There's an int there, which will be converted to a long via a widening
primitive conversion. This is no different then any other method that takes
a long (even if it doesn't involve generics) and is given an int; the JVM
doesn't accept this but javac does and generates conversion bytecode to
facilitate the invocation.
So, can you show me some code that is ambiguous / confusing / surprising
when analysed with the proposal, that isn't trivially solvable like the
above case?
5. There's no time / this is out of scope.
As the posts from amongst others Stephen Colebourne, which suggest looking
at abolishing function type references altogether, as well as the recent
flurry of issues raised about having function type references in the first
place (such as having an array of function types being essentially
impossible) indicate, evolving generics to handle the niches that function
types have been invented for (whittling down ParallelArray's 132 Ops SAM
types into a manageable set) is entirely in scope. As far as time is
concerned, if this proposal means that function types can be abolished, all
the time saved by not having to implement them goes a very long way towards
finishing analysis and implementation of this proposal instead. Even if this
proposal is slightly more complicated to implement than the handicapped
function types proposal where Project Lambda seems to be heading, it's
clearly worth it, as primitives in generics is a great feature by itself.
Do you have an answer for the dilemma of ParallelArray's Comparator issue?
Using java.util.Comparator only for object-based PA's is inconsistent, but
adding IntComparator types is exactly the kind of thing the closure proposal
tries to fight (in that one of its stated aims is finding a way around Ops's
132 SAM types). It would be a grave mistake to implement a java feature now
in an inferior way that's going to cause backwards compatibility ugliness
forever when we knew of a better solution but didn't implement it due to a
lack of time.
--Reinier Zwitserloot
On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 1:57 AM, Neal Gafter <neal at> wrote:
> Reinier-
> An interesting idea, but unfortunately it is far larger in scope than
> project lambda, and requires a much deeper and more formal design of
> the type system impact. A type parameter implicitly "extends Object",
> but primitives do not.
> There are a few fatal flaws in your suggested approaches. First,
> subtype operations need to preserve reference identity, for reasons
> discussed earlier. Your plan to convert int[] to Integer[] and back
> again undermines that. Second, the boxing conversions blur but do not
> erase the distinction between primitives and reference types. You are
> simply incorrect when you say that primitives do not have subtypes.
> byte is a subtype of long but Byte is not a subtype of Long. Third,
> you cannot forbid primitives as bounds, even if primitives are
> considered invariant for the purposes of generics, because type
> parameters can be used as bounds too. Arrays of primitives are not
> syntactically allowed as bounds, but that is a syntactic restriction
> only, as type parameters can be primitive-array types, and type
> parameters can be bounds.
> It is hard to see how this can be implemented without at least
> partially reifying generics, as the bytecode to handle primitives
> differs from the code to handle reference types. Java has separate
> compilation and runtime binding, exposed in the language as "binary
> compatibility"; to support that, the VM must generate specializations
> at runtime.
> Cheers,
> Neal
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Reinier Zwitserloot
> <reinier at> wrote:
> > As Stephen Colebourne already suggested, the various problems with
> function
> > types can be sidestepped rather simply by sticking purely with (SAM) type
> > names, immediately fitting any lambda to an appropriate SAM type.
> However,
> > to feasibly go this route, generics _need_ to be able to work with
> primitive
> > types, in order to reduce ParallelArray's 132 SAM types in Ops down to a
> > nice lean 8.
> >
> > I've written up a proposal to get the discussion going. If indeed the
> > existence of such a proposal results in a much simpler Project Lambda,
> then
> > the time saved implementing Project Lambda can be used to implement this
> > idea. It should go without saying that allowing primitives in generics
> would
> > be a great feature for JDK7 on its own.
> >
> > The canonical version that will be updated and is nice on the eyes can be
> > found here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > but in the interests of saving all discussion in one thread I've pasted
> the
> > markdown source of v1.0 below.
> >
> > Happy reading!
> >
> >
> > # Primitives in generics proposal
> >
> > v1.0
> >
> > by Reinier Zwitserloot
> >
> >
> > ## §1 Preamble and necessity of the feature
> >
> > The goal of this proposal is to allow primitives in generics. To simplify
> > the proposal, `int` is used in all examples and in all text. All the
> other 7
> > primitive types are of course also allowed as type arguments. In
> particular,
> > a closure strategy for JDK7's [Project Lambda][] to always _box_ any
> closure
> > into a so-called SAM type is a far more realistic option if the used SAM
> > types can accept primitives in their generics. (a type that contains
> > exactly 1 abstract method, usually an interface. For example,
> > `java.util.Comparator` is a SAM type. So is `java.lang.Runnable`). For
> > example, [jsr166y-extra - Parallel Arrays][jsr166yx], the standard
> usecase
> > example for Project Lambda, currently lists 132 SAM interface types in
> its
> > [Ops](
> >
> )
> > container class, but most of those are simply to provide a
> primitive-based
> > version of a few central concepts. If primitive generics were possible,
> this
> > list of 132 would be reduced to a much more manageable set. To be
> precise:
> >
> > Ops.Op<A, R>
> > Ops.BinaryOp<A, B, R>
> > Ops.Predicate<A>
> > Ops.BinaryPredicate<A, B>
> > Ops.Procedure<A>
> > Ops.Generator<R>
> > Ops.Reducer<A> extends BinaryOp<A, A, A>
> > java.util.Comparator<A>
> > Ops.Action
> >
> > These names are more meaningful than their equivalent purely structural
> > function type constructs. For example, jsr166yx includes the concept of a
> > `Ops.Reducer` even though the signature of a reducer is 100% equivalent
> to
> > the more general `Op` class. It is self-evident then that the designers
> of
> > jsr166yx find this kind of purely name-based distinction important enough
> to
> > dedicate 4 of Ops' 132 SAM types to it even though they didn't have to.
> >
> > Furthermore, as the inclusion of `java.util.Comparator` foreshadowed,
> > sticking with names for function types fits better with existing java
> code.
> > jsr166yx as it stands uses `java.util`'s version of Comparator for its
> > Object based `ParallelArray` but defined its own versions for the
> > primitives, such as `Ops.LongComparator`. If function types were
> introduced
> > instead, then jsr166yx would obviously replace its `Ops.LongComparator`
> with
> > `#int(long, long)` but it would face a dilemma for its `Object` based
> > `ParallelArray`: Should it take `#int(T, T)`, should it take
> > `java.util.Comparator<T>`, or should it take both? None of these three
> > options are fully consistent. This isn't a rare coincidence; the amount
> of
> > SAM types that are in active use across the java community is staggering,
> > and introducing function types to solve the primitives problem is going
> to
> > introduce a lot of inconsistency as APIs evolve to accept closures but
> keep
> > their old SAM based methods for backwards compatibility.
> >
> > The solution is as clear as it is obvious: Make primitives allowable as
> type
> > argument. Together with a relatively minor and proven (by JRockit which
> > already includes it) JVM optimization, both the API and the performance
> > issues can be solved.
> >
> > As a secondary step, one could start questioning if, once this feature
> has
> > been added, function types are even necessary. As recent traffic on the
> > [Project Lambda mailing list](
> > has indicated,
> > there are a host of issues with function types, from syntax ambiguities
> to
> > problems around allowing arrays of function types. By sticking with SAM
> > types, no new ideas are introduced for the java community to learn; they
> > presumably already know that for example the expression `new
> > Comparator<int>[10]` is not legal.
> >
> > Last but certainly not least: Primitives as type arguments are a great
> > feature for the java language all by themselves and not only as a part of
> a
> > closure proposal. For example, if this proposal is implemented in JDK7,
> the
> > following could be allowed: `List<int> intList = new IntList();` and be
> > virtually as fast as a purely `int` array based list implementation such
> as
> > the ones that can be found in [GNU Trove](
> >,
> but
> > which is API compatible with `java.util.List`.
> >
> > This v1.0 of the proposal does not highlight which sections of the JLS
> are
> > involved or need to be changed. Its primary intention is to start a
> > discussion, explore the feasibility, if it has clear solutions for all
> > potential issues, and if it can lead to a simplification of Project
> Lambda,
> > thus freeing up enough time in the JDK7 schedule to implement it.
> >
> >
> > [Project Lambda]: "Project
> Lambda
> > Mailing List"
> > [jsr166yx]: "jsr166y -
> > Parallel Arrays"
> >
> > ## §2 Proposal
> >
> > ### §2.1 Type Variables
> >
> > Type variables are the `T` in `public class Foo<T> {}`. Type variables
> can
> > only include actual types in their bounds, such as `<T extends Number>`.
> As
> > `T extends int` doesn't really convey a useful construct, we simply won't
> > allow it. This means type variables themselves don't have to change at
> all.
> >
> > ### §2.2 Type Arguments
> >
> > Type Arguments come in two flavours: Just the type, as in:
> `List<String>`,
> > or as a bound, such as `List<? extends Number>`. As primitive types don't
> > really have subtype relations, there is again not much sense in allowing
> > either `List<? extends int>` or `List<? super int>`. It is therefore not
> > allowed; *only* `List<int>` would be legal. To be precise, `List<?
> extends
> > Set<int>>` would be allowed, but `List<Set<? extends int>>` would not be.
> >
> > ### §2.3 Syntax Sugar
> >
> > The JVM barely supports generics (instances don't preserve their type
> > arguments, and method signatures don't either), and changing the JVM is a
> > major undertaking so this proposal does not include any required changes
> to
> > the JVM. Therefore, Something like `List<int> x;` is effectively syntax
> > sugar similar to how `List<String> x;` is effectively syntax sugar.
> >
> > ### §2.4 Legality of primitive type arguments.
> >
> > A primitive can be bound to a type argument anywhere its wrapped type
> would
> > be legal. Therefore, `int` is valid when the bound is `T extends Number`,
> > but it would not be if the bound was, for example, `T extends
> InputStream`.
> >
> > ### §2.5 The *typearg_int* imaginary type.
> >
> > Anytime a primitive type is encountered as a type argument, the compiler
> > needs to keep track of the notion that the primitive type is used as type
> > bound. For example, the compiler will usually have to inject synthetic
> > methods that replace the primitive type with its wrapper type. To help
> > clarify the actions that the compiler needs to take, we'll call any `int`
> > that appears in a location where it is being used to fit a type variable
> as
> > the imaginary `typearg_int` type. This isn't a real type, just a virtual
> > construct of the compiler. This concept already exists in java. If, for
> > example, you write the following code:
> >
> > public abstract class Example implements List<String> {
> > @Override public boolean void add(String x) {
> > return true;
> > }
> > }
> >
> > and inspect the class produced by javac, you'll notice 2, and not 1,
> `add`
> > method; you'll see `add(Object)` as well as `add(String)` in the
> generated
> > class file. The `add(Object)` simply passes the call to the `add(String
> x)`
> > method, which involves a type cast. For primitive types, this concept is
> no
> > different:
> >
> > public abstract class Example implements List<int> {
> > @Override public boolean void add(int x) {
> > return true;
> > }
> > }
> >
> > would result in not just `add(int)` but also `add(Object)` which simply
> > passes the call on. In addition to a type cast (to `java.lang.Integer`),
> > this wrapper method will also auto-unbox the object.
> >
> > ### Sugar
> >
> > #### §2.6 Field Read
> >
> > Anytime a field of type "int" is read, the compiler emits bytecode:
> >
> > GETFIELD/GETSTATIC "java/awt/Point" "x" "I"
> >
> > However, if a field of type "typearg_int" is read, it is unboxed first,
> so,
> > the compiler emits:
> >
> > GETFIELD/GETSTATIC "java/awt/Point" "x" "Ljava/lang/Object;"
> > INVOKEVIRTUAL "java/lang/Integer" "intValue" "()I"
> >
> > In other words, the field is assumed to be of the erased typevar's type
> > (Object in the example, but could also be e.g. `Number`), is assumed to
> > contain an `Integer` object, and `intValue()` is called on it.
> >
> > This act may result in the usual `ClassCastException` if heap pollution
> has
> > occurred, but can additionally also result in a `NullPointerException`,
> even
> > without heap pollution. This is analogous to auto-unboxing causing an
> NPE,
> > which is in the current Java6 also possible even if heap pollution has
> not
> > taken place. The java community has embraced autoboxing/unboxing even
> with
> > this shortcoming in the typing system, hence this similar case, which is
> not
> > readily solvable, can be considered the same way: A problem, but not a
> > show-stopper.
> >
> > #### §2.7 Field Write
> >
> > Analogous to field read; instead of generating a `PUTFIELD` of type "I",
> the
> > erased typevar's type is used instead, and a call to `INVOKESTATIC
> > "java/lang/Integer" "valueOf" "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"` is inserted
> before
> > the `PUTFIELD` instruction.
> >
> > Unlike the field read, there's no NullPointerException issue here.
> >
> > #### §2.8 Creating a field with a "typearg_int" type.
> >
> > This isn't possible; Fields cannot be overridden, they can only be
> shadowed.
> > Fields *can* of course be defined as having a type variable as type, but
> a
> > type variable's actual type is unknown. For example:
> >
> > public class Foo<T> {
> > T x;
> > }
> >
> > The `T` can be anything and is in practice erased to `java.lang.Object`.
> > This erasure will not change because of this proposal, and an erasure to
> a
> > primitive type isn't possible, because `<T extends int>` is not legal.
> >
> > #### §2.9 Method invocation
> >
> > When invoking a method where one or more parameters is of type
> > `typearg_int`, then during the creation of the bytecode to load the
> > parameters on the stack, an `INVOKESTATIC` to `Integer.valueOf(int)` is
> > generated to box the primitive. Similarly, the signature generated in the
> > `INVOKEVIRTUAL`/`INVOKESTATIC` call is of the erased typevar's type and
> not
> > `I`.
> >
> > If the invoked method's return type is of type `typearg_int`, the return
> > type in the signature is as usual replaced with the erased typevar's
> type.
> > Unless the return value is discarded because the method invocation
> appears
> > as expression statement, an `INVOKEVIRTUAL` call to `Integer.intValue()`
> is
> > inserted immediately after the `INVOKEVIRTUAL`/`INVOKESTATIC`
> instruction.
> >
> > #### §2.10 Method declaration (Preamble)
> >
> > This part of the spec gets somewhat complicated, but this complication is
> > not new! For example, imagine the following two types:
> >
> > public class A<T> {
> > void foo(T in) {}
> > }
> >
> > public class B extends A<String> {
> > void foo(String in) {}
> > }
> >
> > The current javac compiler solves this scenario by generating a synthetic
> > wrapper with the signature: `void foo(Object)`, as `A`'s `foo` method has
> > that erased type (`Object` is `T`'s type bound in class `A`). This
> synthetic
> > method wraps the call to `B`. You can actually see this in action by
> looking
> > at the stack trace you get when you throw an exception from `` and
> then
> > calling it via: `A<String> x = new B();"");`
> >
> > The current java gets even more complicated if the supertype contains
> both
> > `void foo(T)` and `void foo(String)`, which is of course legal as `T`
> erases
> > to `Object`, not `String`. When defining `void foo(String)` in `B`,
> *BOTH*
> > methods are overridden. Furthermore, trying to call `foo("")` on a
> variable
> > of type `A<String>` is not possible; a *this call is ambiguous* error is
> > generated. This error cannot be avoided by casting the argument; only by
> > casting the receiver (an instance of `A`) to a raw type can `foo` even be
> > called in such a circumstance.
> >
> > The same problems occur when primitives are legal type bounds for type
> > variables, and the same solutions suffice as well. There is some friction
> > here, as the above java puzzler-esque exercise shows, but I'm not aware
> of
> > any proposal for e.g. Project Coin to adress this problem, and thus one
> can
> > safely conclude that this oddity is not that important.
> >
> > #### §2.11 Method Declaration (parameter)
> >
> > Let's say we have:
> >
> > public abstract class IntList implements List<int> {
> > public boolean add(int v) {return false;}
> > }
> >
> > In this case, both the actual method is generated, as well as a synthetic
> > method where every `typearg_int` is replaced with `Ljava/lang/Object;`
> (the
> > erased type of typevar), i.e. both of these:
> >
> > add(I)Z
> > add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
> >
> > are generated, with the second method typecasting its argument to
> `Integer`,
> > unboxing it, and calling the first. Both `ClassCastException` and
> > `NullPointerException` can occur as part of this operation, but the
> former
> > only if heap pollution has taken place.
> >
> > Note there is no risk of an explosion of method signatures when a large
> > number of `typearg_int` typed parameters show up. In a hypothetical
> method
> > `add(T1 a, T2 b, T3 c)` with all 3 parameters a type variable, when all
> type
> > variables are bound to a primitive type, then only two methods are
> > generated: all 3 as primitive, and all 3 as wrapper type. Entirely
> analogous
> > to the convoluted example at the beginning of this section, if this
> method
> > is accessed as a `List<int>`, the wrapper type version will be called,
> but
> > code that works directly with the `IntList` type will generate a call to
> the
> > primitive version.
> >
> > #### §2.12 Method Declaration (return type)
> >
> > Let's say we have:
> >
> > public abstract class IntList implements List<int> {
> > public int get(int idx) {return 0;}
> > }
> >
> > In this case, again two versions are generated:
> >
> > get(I)I
> > get(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
> >
> > Where `Object` comes from the erased type of this particular version of
> > `typearg_int`. The second method simply calls on the first, boxes the
> > result, and returns that.
> >
> > If a method contains both `typearg_int` in its parameter list as well as
> its
> > return type, still only 2 methods are produced; one with all-primitives,
> and
> > one with all-wrappers. The wrapper will unbox parameters and box the
> > returned value.
> >
> > ### §2.13 The JRockit gambit
> >
> > It is virtually impossible to make something like this:
> >
> > List<int> list = new ArrayList<int>();
> >
> > as efficient as an `int[]` without reification; `ArrayList`'s
> implementation
> > creates an `Object[]` to store the list's elements in, and once it does
> > this, the performance game is automatically lost - it must create an
> `int[]`
> > array to get performance that is comparable to the performance of a raw
> > `int` array. However, it couldn't possibly do this; when `ArrayList`'s
> > constructor is called, its type parameter has been erased, so `ArrayList`
> > simply cannot tell what kind of array it should make. However, all hope
> is
> > not lost here, as this can be made quite efficient:
> >
> > List<int> list = new IntArrayList();
> >
> > or, to avoid up to 8 new classes in java.util, these specialized classes
> can
> > be turned into inner classes of ArrayList, and ArrayList can gain a new
> > "static" constructor:
> >
> > List<int> list = ArrayList.with(int.class);
> >
> > The above example is poor man's reification: This way ArrayList's "with"
> > static method can in fact create a new IntArrayList by runtime-inspecting
> > the `int.class` parameter. However, even with the receiver
> (`IntArrayList`)
> > being specifically built with the `int` primitive type in mind, and the
> > caller (the one that declared `List<int> list`) also operating solely on
> the
> > primitives level, the above compilation strategy still means that the
> > following code:
> >
> > list.add(10);
> >
> > results in the following bytecode:
> >
> > ICONST 10
> > INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Integer valueOf(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
> > INVOKEVIRTUAL java/util/List add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
> >
> > .... execution moves to `IntArrayList`'s code
> >
> > INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Integer intValue()I
> > INVOKEVIRTUAL java/util/IntArrayList add(I)Z
> >
> > ....
> >
> > The hotspot compiler will eventually inline the static call and the last
> 2
> > calls (as they are to small final methods), but nevertheless there's an
> > object on the heap involved (the boxed integer), and two calls, even if
> > inlined.
> >
> > However, the JRockit VM already eliminates sequential box/unbox calls
> even
> > across invocations, which eliminates the heap object entirely. Together
> with
> > inlining the pass-through call from add(Object) to add(int) this call is
> > then just as fast as calling the *GNU Trove* `TIntArrayList`. See <
> >
> >
> > for a treatise on how the JRockit VM handles eliminating sequential
> > box/unbox operations.
> >
> > In situations where either the receiver (such as `java.util.ArrayList`)
> or
> > the sender (some generic code that created a new list of it's own type
> > variable `E`) is not working exclusively with `int` this optimization
> > obviously won't work, _but_, this optimization would be impossible
> without
> > at least reification, which is not feasible for JDK7.
> >
> > ### §2.14 Generics Conversion
> >
> > A type such as `Map<String, String>` can be treated as a `Map<String, ?
> > extends Object>` implicitly. The same property is granted to primitives;
> a
> > primitive will readily convert to its wrapper type, which includes
> > conversion to a (bound) wildcard as `Integer` has a place in the type
> > hierarchy. In other words, a `Map<int, boolean>` will implicitly convert
> to
> > a `Map<? extends Number, ?>`, for example. This leads automatically to a
> > dilemma; it means `List<int>` can be treated as a `List<Integer>`, and in
> > that way, `null` can be added to this list which isn't technically
> > compatible with primitives, and as a result, treating this list as a
> > `List<int>` again can result in a `NullPointerException`. This type
> > conversion feels like autoboxing/unboxing which suffers from the same
> > problem, and as covered this omission in the type system has been deemed
> > acceptable before. As has been stated, `int` as a type bound is legal
> > anywhere `Integer` would be, which implies that converting from for
> example
> > `List<Integer>` to `List<int>` is also legal.
> >
> > ### §2.15 The benefit to the java community - recap
> >
> > Even without the JRockit optimization (which can at any time be added
> > without requiring changes to this spec, which is focussed on the JLS and
> the
> > compiler, and not the VM), this proposal is highly beneficial to the java
> > community. Generified libraries virtually never offer primitive-optimized
> > versions. For example, there is no ArrayList-like class for primitive
> ints
> > in the java runtime; one would have to reach for third party libraries
> such
> > as GNU Trove to find them. The large amount of code duplication that is
> > required to produce a primitive-optimized version for all 8 primitive
> types
> > is also very inpractical. It is clear, then, that the java community has
> > decided to accept the performance penalty, and more problematically, the
> > readability penalty, by choosing to use for example `List<Integer>`. The
> > readily available alternative, arrays, are continuously problematic in
> new
> > proposals, as they don't work well together with generics and have
> different
> > variance rules.
> >
> > This proposal would also help greatly in APIs which are designed with
> > primitive arrays in mind. For example, the java.util.Arrays class has a
> > utility method to sort an int[], but only by the natural order of
> integers.
> > There is no `Comparator` based method for `int[]` in `java.util.Arrays`;
> > there is only such a method for sorting `T[]`, and `T` can currently only
> > stand for non-primitive types. With this feature, the following code
> could
> > be legal:
> >
> > int[] array = {1, -3, 2, 8, 6};
> > Arrays.sort(array, new Comparator<int> {
> > public int compare(int a, int b) {
> > a = Math.abs(a); b = Math.abs(b);
> > return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
> > }
> > });
> >
> > or, with closure support:
> >
> > Arrays.sort(array, #(int a, int b) {
> > a = Math.abs(a); b = Math.abs(b);
> > return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
> > });
> >
> > In other words, convenient syntax, fast execution, while *keeping* the
> > `Comparator` concept. Comparator cannot obviously be removed (it would
> not
> > be backwards compatible), and it would be inconsistent for the sorting
> APIs
> > to work with `Comparator` when sorting Objects, but to work with
> `#int(int,
> > int)` closures when trying to sort an array of primitive ints.
> >
> > ### §3 Curses! What about arrays!
> >
> > There's one case that this proposal has not yet covered: What happens
> when
> > `typearg_int` is used in an array?
> >
> > Let's say we have:
> >
> > public class Foo<T> {
> > protected T[] array = null;
> > public abstract void method(T[] param);
> > public abstract T[] returnType();
> > }
> >
> > What would happen if we tried to write:
> >
> > public class Bar extends Foo<int> {
> > @Override public void method(int[] param) {
> > this.array = param;
> > }
> >
> > @Override public int[] returnType() {
> > return param;
> > }
> > }
> >
> > This question seems academic, in that generics and arrays almost never
> meet,
> > but that isn't quite true: `java.util.Collection` itself contains `public
> > abstract <T> T[] toList(T[] in);`. It is important to realize that
> because
> > arrays and generics are already convoluted when used together in java6,
> the
> > `T` in that signature is not related to the `E` of List itself (the `E`
> in
> > `public interface Collection<E>`!). For usage in method declarations the
> > wrapper methods can create a new array and copy each element,
> > autoboxing/unboxing on the way. This is mind-bogglingly inefficient, but
> it
> > is simple. In practice the authors strongly suggest the implementer of
> > `IntArrayList` write a specific method to get a straight `int[]` array
> > without this convolution which obviously cannot be optimized by the VM
> the
> > way a single `int` to/from `Integer` conversion can be. For array access,
> > the proposal suggests treating this concept as extremely rare and thus
> > coming up with the simplest thing that could possibly work: Access to the
> > array (read/write) is allowed and involves boxing as usual, but a
> reference
> > to `Foo.array` itself will simply remain its erased type and emits a
> > warning. Therefore:
> >
> > public abstract class Bar extends Foo<int> {
> > void test() {
> > Object[] o = array; //warning but legal
> > int[] p = array; //error
> > }
> > }
> >
> > Nevertheless this concept introduces an API incompatibility: The javadoc
> for
> > `toList` states that if the input array has enough room, the same array
> will
> > be returned, and this cannot of course be done if the input array is
> first
> > number-for-number copied into a `Object[]` array, and then after the copy
> > operation has completed, this array is translated back to `int[]`. This
> > proposal offers no solution to this dilemma. It can only note that as
> `int`
> > is currently illegal in generics, it is technically backwards compatible
> to
> > add a note to the javadoc that explains the same array is *not* returned
> > even if it has enough room if the type bound is a primitive.
> >
> > It also shows a gap in the API of a hypothetical `IntArrayList`: The
> > signature (as mandated by the `Collection` interface) must be `public <T>
> > T[] toArray(T[] in)`, and as `T[]`'s erasure, which is `Object[]`, is not
> > compatible with `int[]`, this method cannot be made fast even for a
> specific
> > subtype such as `IntArrayList`. This proposal offers no pragmatic
> solution
> > other than to create a custom method in `IntArrayList` as well as a
> static
> > utility method in `java.util.Collections` that can translate any list to
> > `int[]`, which uses an instanceof check to pick up
> > `java.util.ArrayList.IntArrayList`s special method and use that.
> >
> > The second issue raised is, in `public <T> T[] toArray(T[] in)`, what
> > happens if the calling code ends up binding `int` to `T`? This is a
> > particularly painful process: Javac needs to generate the conversion from
> > `int[]` to `Integer[]` prior to calling the method, and then the method
> will
> > most likely convert back to `int[]`, and on the return phase the same
> double
> > convert occurs for a grand total of 4 conversions. To avoid accidental
> > triggering of this potentially very slow operation, a warning should be
> > emitted anytime the compiler generates conversion code to convert a
> > primitive array to a non-primitive array in order to fit with the erased
> > signature of an invoked method. (For fields, as mentioned, the arrays
> remain
> > their erased type, and an attempt to treat them as primitive array
> results
> > in an error).
> >
> >
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