Inverted syntax option

John Nilsson john at
Thu Mar 11 11:37:17 PST 2010

Most syntax proposals so far has been variants of specifying the type and
arguments of the lambda to be created. I have another suggestion, inverted

My suggestion is to focus on the current expression syntax of Java and just
tweak it a little bit to allow parameters. So any valid Java expression is a
lambda if it contains an identifier of the form #<n> where <n> denotes the
position in the argument list.

Examples. (I have borrowed Neals type syntax, but my suggestion is just
about the expression syntax)

(int,int) -> int adder = #1 + #2;

int sum = intList.reduce(adder);
int sum2 = intList.reduce(#1 + #2);

When the type of an identifier is not known it defaults to Object

Object expr = #1.method(); //Compiler error, method is not a member of
Object expr2 = ((MyClass)#1).method(); //Typical cast already known to
Object expr3 = ((MyClass)->Void) #1.method(); //This is also valid version


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